Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Tag: Verify

TikTok opens a campaign to encourage users to verify information

As part of the new campaign, TikTok collaborated with a number of content creators, public figures and charity organization The Student View to create...

Wise women choose to sustainably rejuvenate their skin from within

Any woman wants to possess timeless beauty, especially those who have passed the age of 30. At this age, women have succeeded in their...

Huawei prepares to launch test satellites to verify 6G technology

Chinese tech giant Huawei is expected to launch two satellites with two Chinese partners by July this year, with goals including verifying the 6G...

8 stories everyone believes are true, but turns out to be...

The received information must be verified, if you do not want to receive a trick from the online community. In a world filled with...

‘Sperm beautify skin’: Harmful rumors

Many women transmit sperm to each other and have a new function of beautifying the skin. So what is this effect of damage? Semen...