Home Health The body immediately gets these 6 amazing things after you eat watermelon

The body immediately gets these 6 amazing things after you eat watermelon


You may be surprised to learn that watermelon provides significant amounts of micronutrients. However, eating too much watermelon can damage the body.

There is nothing better than having a bite of a crispy, sweet and soaked watermelon on a hot summer day. This crimson fruit is a dessert, the staple drink of barbecues and pool parties for its refreshing taste, nourishing beverage and hand-held comfort. Watermelon can be a part of almost any healthy diet.

After all, they are low in calories, hypoallergenic and even low in carbs. And you may be surprised to learn that watermelon provides a significant amount of micronutrients. However, eating too much watermelon can damage the body.

Here are six things that happen to your body when you eat watermelon.

After all, watermelon is low in calories, hypoallergenic and even low in carbs.

6 changes that happen to the body when eating watermelon:

  • Supply water to the body in a timely and complete manner.

  • Reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Increases heart health.

  • Recovery after training.

  • Weight loss.

You may experience digestive problems.

Eating watermelon has 5 health effects

1. The body is promptly supplied with water

Watermelon is an extremely water-rich fruit. Modern medicine research shows that watermelon is made up of 92% water, so this fruit is one of the highest water content foods on the planet.

Although scientists still do not know the exact amount of water you need to drink each day (and individual needs vary from person to person), not all of your daily fluids must come from water in plastic bottle or glass bottle.

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In fact, the body gets a much more delicious, nutritious water source from eating foods like watermelon. Drinking enough water helps prevent fatigue and headache, flushes waste from the body, and improves skin elasticity and tone. Watermelon has a similar effect.

Watermelon is an extremely water-rich fruit.

2. Reduce the risk of some cancers

Have you ever heard of lycopene? This is an antioxidant found in tomatoes (and ketchup). But tomatoes are not the only red fruits that are rich in lycopene. In fact, research shows that watermelon contains about 40% more lycopene than raw tomatoes.

What does this mean for health? As an antioxidant, lycopene helps to “clean” damaged cells, possibly preventing some cancers. According to the National Watermelon Promotion Commission in the United States, preliminary studies have shown a link between a diet rich in lycopene and a reduced risk of breast, prostate and lung cancer. More research is needed to come to certain conclusions, but it can be said that you will feel comfortable if you are someone who likes to eat watermelon.

3. Promote heart health

The potential of lycopene doesn’t stop there! This powerful antioxidant can also have a positive effect on heart health. Lycopene consumption helps reduce high blood pressure, especially in people with higher systolic blood pressure.

Plus, an amino acid in watermelon called L-citrulline can support heart health by maintaining healthy blood flow during exercise. And since watermelon is rich in magnesium and low in calories, it’s no wonder they are a food that has been certified by the American Heart Association to be extremely good for the heart.

4. Eating watermelon helps the body recover better after exercise

Feeling more pain after exercising? Watermelon can save you. A small study in the American Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that athletes who drank watermelon juice as an exercise drink reported less soreness and slower heart rate 24 hours after exercise. .

Researchers believe that L-citrulline in melons is the ticket to help in the recovery process.

5. Lose weight

The watermelon diet is a trend that’s not scientifically recommended, but including watermelon in your diet can definitely help you lose weight. Watermelon is not only very water rich, keeps you full for a long time, but is also surprisingly low in carbs. A cup of watermelon juice contains only 12g of carbs. Compared to watermelon, grapes or bananas are fruits with more than twice the amount of carbs.

Meanwhile, no one can argue about the weight loss benefits of watermelon. With just 46 calories per cup, you can eat a large portion of watermelon without going over the daily calories your body is allowed to consume.

A cup of watermelon juice contains only 12g of carbs.

Eating a lot of watermelon can lead to digestive problems

People often eat watermelon as a healthy snack but overeating can cause digestive problems. The water content in watermelon can lead to discomfort. Excess fluid in your digestive tract can cause bloating or diarrhea.

For people with irritable bowel syndrome, watermelon is a fruit that should be ignored as it contains fructans, fructose and polyols. These carbohydrates are fermentable and are especially difficult to digest.

Eat watermelon – Specialists note, do not remove the seeds and white pulp

According to MSc Hoang Khanh Toan (Head of Oriental Medicine Department, Military Central Hospital 108), watermelon seeds themselves are rich in amino acids, including tryptophan, glutamic acid, lysine, which play an important role in increasing Enhances calcium absorption, collagen formation in the body, enhances metabolism, cardiovascular system and sexual health.

Eat watermelon – Specialists note, do not remove the seeds and white pulp.

Therefore, when eating watermelon, we should not remove the seeds but bite into small pieces and chew the whole watermelon seeds to reap the amazing health benefits mentioned above.

The white pulp of watermelon also has many benefits. According to Dr. Toan, watermelon pulp contains a rich amount of sugar, minerals and vitamins, which have the effect of cooling, reducing fatigue, reducing blood pressure, improving the functioning of the immune system and circulation blood. Therefore, you should try to eat this part to bring into play the best cooling effect, effectively boosting immunity on hot days.