The weather is supportive, so on the first day of holiday, Bai Chay beach, Ha Long, Quang Ninh attracts thousands of people to take a cooling bath.
On the afternoon of April 30, thousands of people flocked to Bai Chay beach, Ha Long city to swim. Today’s weather is supportive and sunny, so many visitors come here to walk, take pictures and take a cool bath.
Traveling with his family, Mr. Le Van Su (37 years old, Hanoi) expressed his delight when the holiday was returned to the sea for fun after the oppressive days in the capital. “Back to Ha Long, this tour will enjoy many incentives from stimulus packages such as no entrance fee, not too many people, so you do not have to squeeze each other like every year”, Mr. Su said. Director of Quang Ninh Tourism Department Pham Ngoc Thuy said, today Ha Long City welcomes 75,000 tourists. The 4 to 5 star hotels have about 80% of the rooms being rented, the other small hotels with 70% capacity. According to statistics today, about 11,000 tourists boarded the boat to visit famous spots on Ha Long Bay. “Thus, the number of visitors coming to Ha Long is still very high, although lower than expected, about 120,000 people because of the unpredictable time of the Covid-19 translation. strictly punish tourists in the awareness of preventing and fighting against the Covid-19 epidemic “, Mr. Thuy shared. Thousands of people flock to Ha Long beach on the first day of public holidays
The rows of chairs on the sand are always expensive
The weather is sunny, so many visitors come to take a cooling bath
At the end of the afternoon, the more people poured in
Rescue forces are on duty on the guard huts
Children accompany their families to Ha Long to travel
Tourists have fun on the beach
The luxury seats are always full
The tourist’s car is parked on both sides of the sea boundary
Tram service is chosen by many people to move from the hotel to the beach
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