Most of the cheap electric fans sold widely on the online market are of unknown origin and origin. This poses many quality risks.
When the North began to enter the current heat wave, the product charged fan favored by many consumers because of its convenience, it can be used when the power is out.
Cheap electric fans sell full of network market On the online market, many electric fans are sold for cheap from 190,000 to 250,000 VND. Ms. HG (the owner of an online address that sells electric fans) said that this type of fan is being bought by a lot of people. Ms. HG also confirmed, customers are checked goods before payment.
Electric fans for sale spread online market. Screenshots Not just online marketplaces, Cheap electric fans It is also offered for sale on e-commerce floors with prices around 200,000 VND. As described by the seller, the electrically charged fan has a very strong wind power. Accessories included with the fan include charging cord, manual, paper box. Ms. VA (Hai Ba Trung, Hanoi) shared: “In order to prevent the power outage, I ordered an electric fan on the internet market for 250,000 VND. However, it has only been used a few times, it failed”.
Charged fans for sale on an e-commerce platform. Screenshots Meanwhile, Mr. KB (Long Bien, Hanoi) bought for more than 700,000 dong only used a broken season. In addition, many types of mini electric fans cost only a few tens of thousands of dong to 100,000 dong. This fan has a compact size, can be convenient to carry on the go. The mini-charged fans mostly use rechargeable batteries via USB or use AA batteries (rabbit batteries), allowing for easy charging and replacement. Risk warning specialist However, according to electrical experts, charged fans have a clear origin, strict quality control, and the risk of fire and explosion is very low, unless used incorrectly. With cheap products, rampant sale, the risk of low-quality electric fans, potentially many risks. Experts say that, in fact, there are many cases of buying an electric fan to use for a short time, the power is not charged or the indicator light is full, but only a few minutes, it is all due to buying poor quality fans and users. the charger is not used correctly. There are even cases where the fan suddenly explodes after 30 minutes of charging. Therefore, to ensure the most effective use of electric fans, consumers should buy at large and reputable electronics stores and supermarkets, but also pay attention to brands, product brands, and see battery capacity. regulations.
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