Home Business These industries are looking for employees

These industries are looking for employees


Corona has also radically changed the job market. Finding a job now is difficult. But that doesn’t apply to all industries. Some employees are still being sought.

From Tina Wenzel, BR The HR department of the IT service provider Datev viewed around 18,000 applications last year. The Nuremberg-based company has hired more than 400 employees and more than 70 trainees. “We will have a continuous and high number of hires in 2020”, reports HR manager Michael Link. The company competes for the best minds in the industry and faces the challenge of integrating new employees well into the team in times of home office. “We invest a lot there, otherwise the drop-out rate would be high,” emphasizes Link.

IT and logistics industries are booming

The IT industry has not buckled in the Corona crisis. On the contrary: digitization has received a significant boost with the pandemic, says expert Enzo Weber from the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). Companies have switched to working from home, events are taking place digitally, and online trading has also grown significantly. The IT service provider Datev has also benefited from digitization and mobile working in the home office. In 2020, sales increased by 5.1 percent. The booming online trade, in turn, means that the logistics industry is still looking for workers – especially for parcel services.

Urgently wanted: Nurses

Systemically relevant professions such as food retailing and drug stores are also being hired. The health sector also needs more staff – and that on a permanent basis, because society is getting older and older. At the Nuremberg Clinic, the list of current vacancies is long – especially for nurses. They are also crucial when it comes to coping with the corona pandemic. The intensive care units are currently filling up again rapidly. In order to catch the first corona waves, the clinic has withdrawn staff from other areas and reduced capacities, reports HR director Peter Schuh. For example, some operations had to be postponed. Finding caregivers is not easy, however. Schuh has long been looking not only at the domestic job market, but also abroad. The clinic has been recruiting nurses from abroad for a year. There are already more than 80 employees. However, getting started was tedious. Due to the pandemic, language courses could not take place as planned. Nevertheless: “We are now seeing the first successes and have received positive feedback,” said Schuh.

Qualifications are crucial

The crisis shows that job seekers are ready to change industries. Studies by the IAB show that they have increasingly been satisfied with worse jobs under the pressure of the crisis. “This is something critical, because our job market should actually ensure that people get ahead and not that they lag behind,” said IAB researcher Weber. There is another development to keep an eye on: The pandemic ensures that the economy and the labor market change even faster, and that digitization advances even faster. “This poses clear challenges, especially for qualification policy,” emphasizes Weber. “The further development of qualifications is the decisive means to do justice to such a transformation process.” Otherwise people will be left behind in the labor market – in the worst case permanently.