Test results using unmanned aerial vehicles (MBKNL) HLD18 spraying plant protection agents (plant protection) to prevent major pests on rice in Nam Dinh province initially showed that this device saves 5 % of pesticides, 95% reduction in water compared to traditional spraying methods.
In particular, MBKNL helps farmers to save labor, minimize direct contact between workers and pesticides.
Proactive technology In Vietnam, since 2018, many localities have demonstrated the use of MBKNL in fertilizing and spraying pesticides for agricultural production. However, the results of using MBKNL in the field lack the stability, the accuracy of the equipment is not as expected, especially in the context that the current pesticides are mainly used for traditional spraying equipment, with the amount of mixed water many times higher … Facing this situation, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Defense assigned the National Center for Agricultural Promotion (NNNN) to co-ordinate with the Plant Protection Institute, Hoa Lac High Tech Research and Application Institute and its management unit. The Ministry of Defense carried out the task of “Completing the technical process of using unmanned aircraft (UAV) – HLD18 spraying pesticides on rice plants”. Close-up of the HLD18 drone and the field of Truc Hung commune (Truc Ninh, Nam Dinh) – where the demonstration of aircraft spraying pesticides. Photo: MN
Close-up of unmanned HLD18. “If we use the manual method to spray pesticides a day, 3 people can only spray 20 samples. But now with this aircraft, we no longer have the trouble of spraying pesticides, the productivity is significantly increased.” . Farmer Nguyen Van Phong (Truc Hung commune, Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh) Mr. Le Quoc Thanh – Director of VNA, said that this device is made in Vietnam, so we have complete mastery of technology, software, hardware and warranty, training “pilot” to transfer to units, cooperation groups, agricultural services … Especially HLD18 equipment ensures security and defense as well as the issue of licensing flight zones for equipment. To evaluate the results of the trial using MBKNL HLD18 to spray pesticides on rice plants, VNA recently held a demonstration conference on using MBKNL HLD18 in Truc Ninh district, Nam Dinh province. In the experimental field, the participants and farmers witnessed the “pilots” in the flight control technology demonstration service group HLD18 spraying pesticides with different flight speeds at different formulas. Experimental results show that using HLD18 aircraft helps to reduce 5% of the input pesticide, and 5-10% of water. The use of airplanes helps to control rice diseases effectively by quickly suppressing epidemics and saves time for pest management, and at the same time reduces rice yield loss by 1-2% / ha compared to spraying pine usually because rice is not trampled during the spraying process. The amount of pesticides sprayed by MBKNL on the soil and water at the initial stage of rice plant development has not changed compared with the traditional method. However, to a later period, the amount of pesticides on rice plants is higher due to the decrease of spraying in the environment. The working capacity of an aircraft HLD 18 ranges from 10-20ha / day. Replication At the seminar, Mr. Le Quoc Thanh – Director of NTPPR shared: “From practice, the biggest effect of the model is to isolate farmers from pesticides, thereby helping to protect people’s health and The machine helps to increase working efficiency, not to be afraid of the terrain, save water and drugs, and increase production efficiency “.
Farmers and delegates visited the rice growing model using HLD18 drones in Truc Hung commune (Truc Ninh, Nam Dinh) Also at the conference, VNA awarded certificates to 18 trainees trained to control MBKNL HLD18. In addition to the above advantages, through the specialized agency model, the operator is also trained to use MBKNL equipment to serve farmers. The initial achieved results will serve as the basis for Nam Dinh province in particular and the Red River delta provinces to organize the replication, contributing to increase the rate of technology use in the field. As a unit with more than 700ha of area for cultivating hybrid rice varieties, Mr. Lam Van Chieu – Deputy Director of Cuong Tan Co., Ltd. (Truc Ninh, Nam Dinh) said, Cuong Tan is the coordinator of the project NN- 08II. In the process of implementing the project, the company sent staff to participate in the control engineering class MBKNL HLD18. “After more than 10 school days, trainees have been practicing directly on the rice fields of Cuong Tan Co., Ltd. and up to now, it can be said that the basic techniques of controlling MBKNL HLD18 to spray pesticides have been proficient “- Mr. Chieu shared. Also at the conference, TTKNQG handed over to Hai Duong Agricultural Extension Center and Cuong Tan Co., Ltd., each unit 3 MBKNL HLD18 for application of pesticide spraying in rice production. Ms. Pham Thi Dao – Director of Hai Duong Agricultural Extension Center said, Hai Duong currently has about 115,000 hectares of rice cultivation. The average rice yield is 745,000 tons / year. With the handover of HLD18 aircraft by VNA, this will be an incentive for farmers to be able to efficiently produce rice, reduce labor, limit exposure to pesticides while ensuring productivity.
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