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Vietnam is in the top 10 countries using smartphones the most in the world


According to the survey data, Vietnam uses about 61.3 million smartphones and is among the top countries using smartphones in the world.
According to market research firm Statista, global smartphone sales continue to grow. Annual smartphone sales more than tripled from 2009 to 2015. After that, the market began to stabilize around 1.5 million units per year.

In 2020, smartphone vendors sold about 1.38 billion smartphones worldwide. And the number will continue to increase in 2021 with a predicted number of over 1.53 million units. 10 countries with the most smartphone users (Source: Statista) Survey data by market research firm Statista shows that, as of May 2021, China is still the leading country in terms of smartphone users with nearly 912 million people. Although the number is less than half, but India also ranks second after China with over 439 million units. These two countries will continue to top the rankings by large populations and are considered as markets with strong growth potential given the relatively low smartphone adoption rates, Statista commented. Among Southeast Asian countries, Indonesia and Vietnam are the two markets with the highest number of users. The data shows that Indonesia has up to 160.2 million smartphone users and ranks 4th in the rankings. Vietnam has 61.3 million users, in the top 10 countries with the largest number of smartphone users in the world. The Philippines and Thailand have lower user rates, with 41.3 and 37.8 million users, respectively. The smartphone penetration rate can be used as an indicator to measure how advanced a country’s economy is. The number of smartphone users and smartphone penetration rate are also considered as one of the bases for the development of the digital economy. In 2020, the smartphone penetration rate in Vietnam ranked 9th with an index of 63.1%, higher than Indonesia with a penetration rate of 58.6% and the Philippines at 37.7%. Vietnam is also considered as a potential and high-growth digital economy market in Southeast Asia. According to a report by Google, Temasek and Bain & Company, in 2020 Southeast Asia’s digital economy will see the growth of e-commerce, food delivery and online media amid the pandemic. Accordingly, digital payments will reach 620 billion USD in 2020 and are expected to reach 1.2 trillion USD in 2025. Online media also posted 22% growth, reaching $17 billion in 2020. This was driven by the explosive growth of video streaming service providers (video streaming), the growth rate 12 times in Vietnam and 18 times in Thailand. According to the assessment, Vietnam and Indonesia are two countries that have recorded double-digit growth for the digital economy. In which, Vietnam’s digital economy has a total value of about 14 billion USD and is expected to reach 52 billion by 2025, with an average growth rate of 29% from now until then. In the context of the pandemic, the Internet economy in Vietnam recorded growth in transportation, food, e-commerce and fintech.