Gordon Ramsay used to sit on a boat selling vermicelli and noodles on Cai Rang market.
Not all but most of the boats on Cai Rang floating market often hang what they sell. For example, a fruit seller will hang that fruit. Or the vegetable seller will hang vegetables… This is the “hanging something for sale” culture of the famous floating market in the West. Photo: Anh Tu. When they need to sell canoes or boats, people will hang roof sheets or pandan boats. This is also known as “hanging leaves to sell boats”. Photo: Anh Tu.
Gordon Ramsay used to sit on a boat selling vermicelli and noodles on Cai Rang market. This is the commemoration when the “Chef King” performed the show “Gordon’s Great Escape”, recorded in 2009 and broadcast globally in 2010. Photo: Aloviet.
Aunt Hai was the one who received compliments from the famous chef. Aunt Hai’s vermicelli and noodle soup used to be specialties of the floating market. However, at present, Aunt Hai no longer sells goods on Cai Rang floating market. Photo: Pham Ngon.
The time of the fair starts quite early, from about 4-5am and ends at 8-9am. The best time to explore the market is 5am. Visitors can rent a small boat separately or join a group with a large boat. Photo: Pham Ngon.
The market was formed in the first half of the 20th century. At this time, the land travel of the river was not yet developed. Photo: Asianway Travel.
Exactly on March 10, 2016, Cai Rang floating market culture was recognized as a national intangible cultural heritage. Photo: Tripadvisor.
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