Besides bags or shoes, hair accessories can also help the wearer become more stylish.
Fabric hair ties can be considered as the easiest accessory to find and most familiar to girls. However, using a colored strap will increase the wearer’s effect more than the regular black. Image: @ sulcomo_handmade.
In addition, this basic accessory also gives a vintage vibe and is handy in many situations. Whether tying high hair or low bun, choosing with luxurious or casual style, colored hair ties can flexibly meet the needs of each girl. Photo: @lolitas_scrunchies, Icing.
Women also need to consider hair color when choosing the right lanyard. According to Sohu, buyers should choose the color of the tie in the same tone as the hair. Velvet is also said to be suitable for deep-colored hair, and silk is generally better suited to light-colored hair. Photo: Twitter, What when wear.
Besides, Large hair bow is an effective accessory to help girls look younger when wearing street style outfits. In order to increase the fashion of the hair, this type of bow needs to be large in size, close to the half of the head. Image: @ andra.dorolti .
If you are a shy person and have not dared to try out a breakthrough with hair accessories, you can start with simply tying a simple braid out of a colored ribbon. Different ways of tying a bow will also bring a new and diverse hairstyle for each day. Photo: @ichsebti, Glamor.
It feels more luxurious and upscale than the assortment Hairpin studded with stones . Fashion believers not only choose an ordinary hairpin. They can combine multiple clamp designs of different lengths at the same time to increase accents. Image: Marie Claire.
Using multiple hairpins at the same time should be positioned near the braids when tied or above the shoulder. This will help the opposite person not feel uncomfortable with this accessory as well as avoid confusion. Photo: Cicig, Fashionista.
Silk scarf Can also be a good accessory for girls when matching outfits. Whether it is long or square, has a simple design or has a special motif, you need a subtle eye when choosing them as a hair accessory. Image: Suzannespiegoski .
For example, a unique scarf would suit basic or monochrome clothing. Meanwhile, a colorful or stylish outfit is only beautiful when wearing with a simple patterned silk scarf. Photo: How to wear.
With silk scarves, girls can create different ways of making hair accessories such as braiding the same braids, use them as a tie or wrap or tie as a headband. However, scarf ties such as headbands or hoods are only suitable for people with small head sizes and outstanding dress styles. Photo: studioheijne.
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