For many people, avocado is a real favorite. Summer is coming, let’s make and enjoy these simple, delicious, and nutritious avocado desserts together.
Butter cream
Resources: – 150g of butter meat – 300ml coconut milk – 50g sugar – 1 lemon Making: – Cut avocado into small pieces, put in a blender, you can keep a part of butter to cut into semicircles, just to decorate the butter cream more beautiful, and create an interesting feeling when eating. Then, add coconut milk, sugar to the butter mortar, puree. Add the juice of 1 lemon and mix well. – Pour the mixture into the ice cream mold. If you’re keeping the unground butter, place the sliced butter in the mold before pouring the mixture in. Close the lid of the ice cream mold and put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. Depending on the size of the ice cream stick, the time can last about 4-6 hours. Avocado smoothie
Resources: 1 avocado Condensed milk: 60g Fresh milk: 50ml Coconut milk, sugar, shaved ice Making: Step 1: How to choose a good avocado To make a delicious avocado smoothie perhaps the most important step is choosing avocado. We should not choose green butter because it will make the smoothie bitter and not smooth, with small crumbs. You should also not buy overripe avocado, then the butter will become mushy and the avocado smoothie will no longer be fragrant. Should choose medium ripe avocados, avocado skin has a natural purple color, glossy glossy, firm hand, when shaking, you can hear the click of the avocado seeds inside. You can gently press on the avocado stalk, if it’s a bit soft, choose. Step 2: How to prepare butter First, halve the avocado lengthwise. Use a knife to lightly cut lines from the tip to the stem of the avocado, then peel the avocado and cut it into small pieces. Or we can cut the avocado horizontally, rotate it slightly to separate the avocado kernel from the avocado flesh, then scoop the avocado meat with a spoon or cut the avocado into small pieces for easy blending. Step 3: Blend avocado smoothie Put the just-cut avocado meat with fresh milk, condensed milk, a little coconut milk to enhance the flavor in a blender. If you like it sweeter, you can add a little more sugar. Butter tea
Resources: 400g ripe avocado 180ml sweetened milk 150g condensed milk 150g coconut milk 3 leaves of gelatin (5g) Making: Step 1: Preliminary ingredients Peeled avocado, cut into small pieces Soak the gelatin leaves in cold water until soft. Step 2: the steps to take Put the sliced butter in the blender. Add fresh milk, blend until smooth. At this point, remove the galatin leaves and place them in another bowl. Take 50ml of boiling water and pour it into a bowl of gelatin until it dissolves completely. Put the avocado smoothie you got in step 1 on the stove, bring to a boil. When the butter is simmering, pour in the galatin water. Stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour butter into small molds. Then wait for the butter to cool and put it in the fridge for about 3-4 hours for the butter to solidify. Put coconut milk, condensed milk in a pot, stir well to mix coconut milk and condensed milk, bring to a boil, then turn off the heat. Let cool. When eating, put avocado tea in a bowl, drizzle coconut sauce all over the avocado. Serve with shaved ice. Butter mousse
Resources: 50 g biscuits or oreo 20 g Melted Butter 150 g Cream cheese 1.5 avocados 60 g Sugar 75 g Yogurt 2 tablespoons Lemon juice 75 ml whipping cream 10 g Gelatin powder 165 ml Warm water Making: Put the biscuits in a plastic bag, beat the crumbs with a pestle, then pour in the melted butter and mix well, then press the mold with a spoon to tighten it to form a cake base (use a 16cm removable mold). Put cream cheese, 1 avocado, lemon juice, yogurt, whipping cream, 45g sugar in a blender, puree, add 5g gelatin powder and mix well. Pour the blended mixture into the cookie mold in step 1, using a spatula to smooth the surface of the mixture. Then refrigerate for 3 hours for the cake to harden. Add the remaining 3g of gelatin to 15ml of warm water. 15g sugar dissolved in 150ml boiling water. Then dissolve these 2 mixtures together. Use the remaining half of the avocado, slice it thinly, and arrange it evenly on the cooled cake pan, whichever way you like. Use the cooled mixture in step 4 to pour over the buttered cake pan. Then continue to refrigerate for 2-3 hours for the cake to harden. Before taking the cake out of the mold, use a hair dryer to dry around the mold, heating the cake will automatically leave the mold. Xiao Bao (Synthetic) Photo: Collectibles
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