If you are lucky enough to have a separate laundry area in your home, it is worth taking the time to conceptualize and design this space. Here are 5 things to keep in mind when designing and installing laundry equipment for the home
If you are lucky enough to have a separate laundry area in your home, it will be worth taking the time to plan the layout and design this space. You should decide what equipment and equipment you will need in the laundry room and / or what functions the laundry room will need to undertake before planning and arranging the premises for this laundry. Here are 5 things to keep in mind when designing and installing laundry equipment for the home.
Decide on where to place the washing machine Usually, the washing machine is placed close to the ground. However, the washing machine placed on high is not unreasonable, depending on the current situation of the laundry room space and the needs of your family. For example, a family washing machine in the UK (pictured) is placed higher than the floor; Just below the washing machine is a protruding base designed to fit the laundry basket. Thus, after the laundry is finished or when the laundry is put into the machine, the washer can take the clothes easily in a position that is just within reach, without having to bend over and not suffer from shoulder and hip fatigue. with washing machine on the floor. Arranging a place to store laundry basket
You should consider the convenience when thinking about arranging space for laundry baskets to be laundered. Normally, you should place the main laundry basket near the washing machine to avoid the inconvenience of having to carry a lot of clothes, moving a new distance to the washing machine. Of course, you can put the smaller baskets in the bedroom and gather them in a large basket near the washing machine. You should arrange an empty space under the long table in the laundry room to place dirty laundry baskets; you might also consider using a wheeled basket for ease of portability, for maximum flexibility. Install a clothesline
Of course, drying clothes in the natural sun is perfect for drying clothes both dry, fragrant, and energy-saving drying. However, when outdoor conditions are not permissible, you may wish to have a drying line available in your laundry area. You might consider installing some drying lines high above (can be hung from the ceiling), near the window of the laundry area (if any).
Sink layout
If space allows, a sink will be extremely useful in the home laundry area. The sink can allow you to hand wash certain types of clothes, allowing you to use a separate bleach with certain stains before putting them together in the washing machine or as a washing place, washing certain items or special clothing. You may also want to place the sink near the washing machine, so that you will keep the floor more dry as you move the laundry from the sink to the drum.
Optimize the ability to store furniture
Usually, the laundry space is also a place where you want to store a lot of other items, not only laundry, for example clothes bridges, vacuum cleaners, buckets, shovels, mop … It is crucial that you calculate to optimize the laundry room space, store more items, not clutter, do not mess, and do not affect the main function of this room is washing clothes./.
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