These are 5 types of vegetables that contain toxins that many families do not pay attention to, still eat Pi Pi every day. The last one makes you unbelievable because this dish is a favorite of many people.
You know, vegetables are inherently good for health because they are low in calories, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. However, there are some vegetables that are not as good as we think but contain dangerous toxins, which can cause cancer or death if eaten in excess. Here are 5 types of vegetables that contain many toxins that many families do not pay attention to, still eat Pi Pi every day.
1. Green tomatoes Ripe red tomatoes are delicious, but that doesn’t mean it’s unripe, you can still cook it temporarily. Because tomatoes when green contain large amounts of alkaloid elements. This substance only decreases and disappears when the tomatoes are ripe and red. So if you eat green tomatoes, the amount of alkaloids still there will cause poisoning. If it’s light, you’ll see “baby lily”, dizziness but severe can be life-threatening, so it’s better to “eat it” 2. Old pumpkin, keep for a long time
Like potatoes, pumpkin is also a family favorite food, especially families with small children. However, pumpkin contains high sugar content. Moreover, if stored for a long time, it is easy to cause anaerobic respiration – fermentation and metamorphosis inside the fruit, so eating is not good for health. 3. Gourd, bitter squash
In the summer, if you have a delicious soup with gourd and cooked shrimp, it will not take long to run out of rice. However, there are some gourds and squash that taste bitter when ingested, which is an alkaloid toxin such as cucurbitacin and cucurbitin B. If you eat it, the body will show symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and diarrhea. Other, more severe reactions can cause body spasms, even death. So to be safe, before processing, you should dip a small piece of gourd and squash on the tip of your tongue first to feel the taste. If you feel bitter, leave immediately and always, but don’t regret it. 4. Sprouted Potatoes
This is also a familiar food, every family eats and loves it because it is easy to prepare and good for health. But eat whatever you want, you should stay away from sprouted potatoes, but don’t regret cutting them off and cooking them with all kinds of stir-fries. Because during the sprouting process, the inside of potatoes produces a lot of solanin. If you eat a lot of this substance into the body, it can cause food poisoning. Eating regularly if there is no immediate poisoning, but in the long run, it will accumulate, increasing the risk of cancer. So better, sprouted potatoes are only planted for “green” home. 5. Pickles are still green
This sour dish ensures that everyone’s tray of rice is not lacking, and every family is fascinated by eating “not the right form”. Salt cooked yellow or salt, green, are very easy to eat. But in fact, eating too much pickle is not good, but eating it when it is green, has a pungent taste, it is not good. Because the green melon is easy to contain a lot of nitrosamines, a compound that can cause cancer. You should only eat melon when it has turned bright yellow, sour, crispy, fragrant and no matter how much you crave, you should still sip a little to protect your health.
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