These are loyal, brave dogs but have a short lifespan, unable to stay with their owners for long.
1. French Mastiff dog
The French Mastiff is a breed of dog that originated in France. They have an impressive appearance with a large, heavy, wrinkled head. Although very loyal and brave, they are the dog with the shortest life expectancy in the world because the intestines are very sensitive, so it can easily lead to death. Average life expectancy: 5-7 years 2. Chinese Hound – Pastoral dog
Chinese Hounds have appeared for a long time in China and Southeast Asia, they are often kept in rural areas for the purpose of looking after the house and protecting the property of the owner. They are also very loyal and courageous, often accompanied by their owners to hunt, and can even help look after livestock. In fact, if cared for carefully, the life expectancy of this breed is very long, but many people do not care to protect them, plus dog theft rages in the countryside, so their lifespan is usually only a few years. Average life span: About 7 years 3. Great Dane (Germany)
Different from the current characteristic that the breed has an extremely gentle personality, very shy, even afraid of plastic bags, in the past, the Great Dane dog was used to pull carts, protect, track traces. patch. Although considered very healthy, they often suffer from inherited diseases of the bones, lungs, heart and eyes. Average life expectancy: 6-7 years 4. Irish Wolfhound
True to its name, the Irish wolfhound originated from its breeding purpose of hunting wolves, developed from hunting dogs in war and in everyday life. They are the tallest dog in the world, very similar to the Greyhound and very brave. However, because they often suffer from bone and cardiovascular diseases, especially gastric torsion, which is common in this breed, their life expectancy is usually not high. Average life expectancy: 6-8 years 5. Borzoi Dog
The Borzoi is a Russian breed of hunting dog that specializes in hunting wolves, bred from a long-haired sheepdog. They were once loved by the Russian nobility and were often seen as gifts among the nobility. In Vietnam they are called poodles. This is a quite special dog in terms of personality, they are proud and especially loyal to their owners, quite discreet, quiet but also love to run. Average life expectancy: 7-8 years 6. Bern Mountain Dog
The Bern Mountain Dog is a breed of dog originating from Switzerland, descended from wolves that were raised on farms to guard and pull carts. Unlike other hunting dogs, Bern mountain dogs are active but not too naughty, very friendly with people and other domestic animals. Average life expectancy: 6-8 years 7. Newfoundland Dog
The Newfoundland dog originated in Eastern Canada, used for many different purposes such as pulling carts, carrying goods, and rescue. Therefore, they are considered “the most desirable dog breed in the world” and are also nicknamed “rescue dogs”. Although the Newfounfland dog has a massive, large body that easily scares others, the Newfounfland dog is extremely friendly and gentle. They also love to swim and are extremely fond of children. Average life expectancy: 8-10 years 8. Rottweiler
The Rooster belongs to the Italian mastiff breed, often trained to become a working dog because of its strong health, intelligence, endurance and good fighting ability, and also has its own independence in character. In Vietnam, the Rooster is a favorite military dog. Average life expectancy: 8-10 years 9. Labrador retriever
The Labrador (commonly known as the Lab), is a popular hunting dog in the United States and is often used to bring back prey to the owner during hunting. Their name is derived from the Portuguese word “labor”. On the body of this breed, there are still many characteristics of hunting dogs, such as very strong teeth, very large nose, sensitive to odors. They are very sensitive to eating, if the diet is not reasonable, they will lose a lot of hair. Their average lifespan is 8 – 12 years. The above is only information about the average life expectancy that these dogs usually reach. In fact, the true lifespan of a dog depends on the training, nutrition and care that people give them. According to Sohu
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