Home Science America is increasingly serious about the existence of aliens and UFOs và

America is increasingly serious about the existence of aliens and UFOs và


Recently, the US government gradually recognized the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) as well as paying more attention to the issue of aliens.
Over the years, the US has repeatedly recorded reports of mysterious flying objects appearing in military airspace. But only recently has the US government recognized that UFOs, or what the Pentagon calls unidentified flying objects, are real.

Although there is not enough evidence to conclude whether these flying objects are from another planet, some videos and images of UFOs have been confirmed by the US military to be real. This information not only interests the community interested in extraterrestrial life, but also raises questions about the information the Pentagon holds about UFOs. The US has repeatedly recorded reports of mysterious flying objects appearing in military airspace. (Photo: CNN) Next June, the office of the director of the National Intelligence Service and other agencies are expected to submit previously unpublished UFO reports to the US Congress. According to CNN’s source, the US will soon announce how the Pentagon handles information about unidentified flying object encounters. What are UFOs? UFO is a flying object whose shape and movement are completely different from all types of aircraft that man-made. Many theories suggest that they are technological products from extraterrestrials, but so far the true nature of UFOs remains a mystery. Last month, the Pentagon officially confirmed that some images and videos recorded by the US Navy were genuine. In 2017, a former US Navy pilot claimed to have seen an unidentified flying object in 2004. This person said the object believed to be a UFO had a very strange way of moving. “ When I got close, it quickly accelerated south and disappeared in less than 2 seconds “, said retired pilot David Fravor. Video taken by US Navy soldiers in 2019 shows flashing triangular objects moving through clouds. Several other images also provided by the Navy show three spherical metal-like objects flying in the sky. In April 2020, the Pentagon released three videos from infrared cameras showing flying objects moving at very fast speeds in the air. According to Pentagon spokesman Sue Gough, the Navy acknowledged the veracity of the videos released in 2019 months before they were released “to clear up public doubt as to whether the videos were released in 2019. Is it real or not?” UFO is a flying object whose shape and movement are completely different from all types of aircraft that man-made. (Photo: The New Yorker) Are aliens real? The US government’s recognition of UFOs as real leads to the question: Are aliens real? Luis Elizondo, former director of the Department of Defense (DoD) research program, once said: “ There is compelling evidence that we may not be alone (in the universe). “. “ These planes – we call them airplanes for now – have features that cannot be found in American equipment or in any foreign technology that we know of. “, said Mr. Elizondo. But whether UFOs are alien vehicles or a human product, they are still of interest to the US government. Because the problem of handling unidentified flying object information is also related to ensuring that all potential risks to the national security of the United States are taken seriously. Whether that threat comes from space or not. “ Whether it’s weather balloons, green aliens or something else – we can’t ask our pilots to put their lives unnecessarily at risk. “. Rachel Cohen, spokeswoman for Democratic Senator of Virginia Mark Warner, speaking about UFOs in 2019. UFOs have features that cannot be found in American equipment or in any foreign technology. (Photo: CBS News) What’s in the new UFO report? While UFO experts applaud the recent moves by the US government, many remain skeptical of the content of the upcoming unidentified flying object reports. This suspicion stems from the Pentagon’s indifference to previous UFO reports. Many times, the community interested in this issue received only the vague answer that the appearance of flying objects was “unexplainable”. Therefore, they believe that the new report will not provide complete and comprehensive information about UFOs. Last month, Mr. Elizondo said that the “best case scenario” is that the new report only outlines the issue and offers the promise of “another, more detailed report” in the future. “ Unfortunately, what we don’t know outweighs what we do know. But the good news is that we’re finally getting serious about it “, said Mr. Elizondo. The Pentagon has set up a panel to explore the “nature and origin of unidentified flying objects”. (Image: Getty Images) The Pentagon says it has conducted research on audio recordings of unidentified flying object encounters as part of a secret program deployed at the request of a former Democratic senator. owner Harry Reid in Nevada. The program began in 2007 and ended in 2012 as the US Department of Defense assessed that funding for more important projects should be prioritized. Following the program, the Pentagon established a topic to explore “the nature and origin of unidentified flying objects” by 2020, according to the US Department of Defense. Topics include videos of UFOs recognized last month. Up to now, the truth about UFOs, or the question of whether or not aliens exist, remains a secret from the public.