The rule of ‘the movie hits the slump’ seems to be difficult to apply to Duong Mich. Because although the movie she played was criticized, Duong Mi’s charm was on the rise, making it difficult for netizens to understand.
Duong Mich may be laughed at for many consecutive failed films, for wearing outfits from the old season but one thing is not. anti-fan Who can mock her: It is showbiz’s reputation and leading position. In 2020, Duong Mi is the No. 1 star of Chinese showbiz and by the beginning of 2021, this position has not been shaken.
Duong Mich’s brand scores are so high, making her the champion of the two rankings of the Star with the highest brand value and the Star with the most influence. The number of brands inviting Duong Mich to be a model is countless, in many different fields, from world famous fashion houses to domestic brands.
Duong Mich is trusted by many brands Wanting to know how big of an influence Duong Mi is, just look at the storm to buy the goods she has livestream Referral is known. Duong Mich is the person who set a record of selling 40 thousand pairs of sandals with every second appearing on the waves livestream.
Wherever she goes, it attracts attention In addition, Duong Mich worked non-stop. The audience sees her coverage anytime, anywhere, from acting to participating in TV shows, from livestream sales to appear in commercial events … That’s why, despite the lack of appreciation, many recent movies have failed in succession, but Duong Mi’s A-list position has not been shaken.
Duong Mich worked hard in all fields Many netizens believe that the actress is only part of her career. The audience may not like to watch the movie Duong Mich but still want to see her quick and skillful response in the entertainment show; wants to see her gorgeous on the red carpet; want to hear her reveal her secrets to keeping fit. And so the name Duong Mich has always been interested in Chinese audiences.
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