Home Science Decoding ‘alien base’ Dulce

Decoding ‘alien base’ Dulce


The quaint desert village of Dulce, New Mexico, is home to less than 3,000 residents and doesn’t even have traffic lights. Dulce is famous for being home to the Jicarilla Apache Reserve, northern New Mexico and largely inhabited by indigenous tribes.
However, this small and unpretentious community is an especially attractive destination for curious and conspiracy theorists about aliens, and most believe that beneath the town is an opportunity. secret seven-story military facility known as Dulce Base.

For decades, there have been many rumors that extraterrestrials have been conducting human experiments with the help of the US military at the secret underground base Archuleta Mesa in Dulce. , New Mexico. “Witness” The legend began in the 1970s. It began with officer Gabriel Valdez discovering strange lights in the sky and the corpse of a creature on the ground in Dulce with inexplicable cuts. According to Valdez, the creature he found resembled a mutilated cow with a dead fetus inside. He insists this is not an unborn calf, which looks like a strange hybrid that “looks like a human, a monkey and a frog”. Nearby were gas masks scattered. Valdez is said to have lied, but he insists the government has a hand in these cases, “evidence is left there – you know, predators don’t leave gas masks, fire sticks. lights, radar shields… They don’t leave those things behind,” Valdez said. In his book “A Culture of Conspiracy”, Michael Barkun argues that cattle carcasses with a series of puzzling cuts are often associated with people seeing UFOs. The researcher even noted that the Colorado-New Mexico border area had become one of the most famous locations across the United States for alien sightings in the early 1980s. Dulce base satellite image. Having studied a lot about aliens and the explanations for the appearance of UFOs on Earth, in the 1980s, Paul Bennewitz, a physicist and businessman, shocked the public with a government statement. are conspiring to carry out a plan to link up with aliens to dominate the human race. He noticed that his electronic devices were disabled every time he tried to enter the Albuquerque region of New Mexico, so Bennewitz believed the aliens were trying to cause disturbances to prevent humans from accessing the area. Since 1982, Bennewitz began to theorize about the existence of a secret base in the UFO community. In 1988, he carried out a work called “Project Beta” and warned of the risk of humanity being attacked by aliens in the future. After Paul Bennewitz’s accusations, military experts and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) repeatedly intervened, repeatedly presented evidence that he had mental problems, even brought him on the list of objects to watch closely. The harshness of US officials further raised suspicions that they were trying to erase all traces of the existence of the Dulce base from prying eyes. In May 1990, UFO researcher John Lear claimed to have obtained “four independent evidence” that the seven-story underground structure was real. Lear used to be a former pilot and worked in the government of the government, he is also the son of the inventor of the LearJet aircraft, so many people trust his judgment. In his studies, Lear even went into detail describing various alien species that are believed to have visited Earth. Many of Lear’s arguments became the basis for subsequent claims about the alien base in New Mexico. Tim Anderson, a former Dulce police officer, also claims to have seen UFOs in town in the late 1990s. He told a reporter for the Santa Fe New Mexico newspaper: “It lit up the whole valley and disappeared after the events. the rock… I had to rub my eyes several times. Anderson also believes that the giant Bigfoot lurks near this town. A fantasy drawing of an alien. Theories The most controversial is the story of Phil Schneider, a former engineer and explosives expert who worked for the US government, who claims to have been involved in the construction of the alien base in Dulce, New Mexico since in 1979. Witnessing the presence of security forces guarding the base suspiciously, Schneider believed that the underground base he was involved in building was hiding a terrible secret, not simply an experimental base. Simple. Not only did Schneider claim to have seen underground structures, but he also said that he was injured and lost several fingers during the clash between the army and the aliens, which killed 60 people and ended with a mediation agreement. Schneider insists Dulce is just one of 129 other secret bases in the US. He and his supporters accuse the US government of using “black funds” for clandestine research at these bases. The “black budget” is classified as military spending, estimated to range from $50-80 billion a year. Schneider committed suicide in 1996. According to conspiracy theorists, the Dulce underground base is a seven-story complex located deep beneath Dulce, New Mexico. “Experts” believe that the seven-story base is 7 miles (3.2km) deep in the ground, and the central structure is built to swell in the center of the base. Each floor is used for specific research – from mind control over humans to genetic experiments leading to alien hybridization, cloning, abduction, and body chip implantation. people. It is also home to human-animal hybrids, human-alien hybrids, and ultra-advanced technologies. Some diagrams even indicate that the Gray and Reptile aliens have their own homes, while those claiming to be staff warn that the 6th floor – “Nightmare Hall” – is the scariest place. They even say this is the site of alien wars. It is no coincidence that it is thought that the Dulce base also has many research centers located in states scattered throughout the United States such as Colorado, Nevada and Arizona. Even in Afghanistan and Russia. Description of the 7 floors of Dulce Base. Explanation from “Green Planet Project” One of the most detailed and elaborate documents on Dulce Base is the “Blue Planet Project”, which claims to be a collection of documents from people who have worked in the laboratories. In Dulce, the abductees were brought to the base, construction workers, National Security Agency (NSA) and CIA intelligence officers, as well as a number of scientists. UFOs. The document even warns: “This information is for those interested in the Dulce base. For your own protection, we advise you to exercise caution when studying this complex.” Dulce Base is a genetics lab connected to Los Alamos Airport by subway. Part of the research at Dulce is concerned with the effects of radiation on mutations and genetics of human, alien biological life-form entities. According to the document, groups of soldiers rotated in Dulce every summer, starting in 1947. The natives recalled that they also built a road leading directly to Dulce Base, and witnessed the trucks. in and out for a long time. This road was later blocked and destroyed. The sign on the truck read “Smith Corp.” and is interpreted as belonging to Paragosa Springs from Colorado. However, there is no company with this name, there is no record of it, and so it is increasingly believed that this is a secret project. With the aim of helping humans survive in the future, the Dulce Facility consists of its headquarters, security department, and several laboratories. The deeper you go, the higher the security. This is a multi-level complex with more than 3,000 cameras, in many security positions with different levels, especially the exit and the laboratory. There are over 100 secret exits, near and around Dulce. Many people have seen aliens around Archuleta Mesa and elsewhere south and east of Lake Dulce. Much of Dulce Base’s deep infrastructure is natural caverns. A witness who used to work at the facility (code CR-24 / ZM 35-File IV) with an “Ultra 7-B” license said: “There may be more than 7 floors, but I only know of 7. Most of all. aliens are taken to the 5th, 6th and 7th floors”. One notable detail that the document mentions is the statement of the Military Research and Development Corporation (Rand Corp) during a conference on underground infrastructures that read: “Like an airplane, Ships and cars allow humans to master the surface of the Earth, tunnels and drilling rigs allow people to access the underground world.” More than 650 people attended Rand’s 1959 symposium, with the majority being representatives of state-owned industrial companies such as General Electric, Hughes Aircraft Corporation, Sandia Corporation, Walsh Construction Company, Colorado School of Mines, AT&T , Northrop Corporation, Stanford Research, and Bechtel Corporation. Bechtel, a super-mysterious international corporation, was founded in 1898. Some have suggested that the business is an underground CIA organization and that the most important positions in the US government are run by former executives. Bechtel’s operations. Bechtel is also part of a network of connected regulatory systems that includes The Trilateral Commission and the Illuminati, among others. According to some conspiracy theories, centuries ago, the Earthlings, the organization more widely known as the Illuminati, made a deal with a race of aliens lurking inside the Earth. As early as 1933, the US government agreed to trade in animals and people in exchange for knowledge of advanced technologies, and gave them access to underground bases in the American West. Special forces have also been formed to deal with extraterrestrial beings. UFO sightings in the US have not stopped. It wasn’t until recently that the Pentagon acknowledged that Air Force footage of unidentified flying vehicles was real, while the Navy has drafted new guidelines for the public on how to report unidentified aircraft. when encountering these phenomena. Geraldine Julian, who claims to have seen UFOs since the 1960s, says: “Just go to the town of Dulce, whoever you talk to can tell you what they saw… It’s not just a story. Fairy tale. All of them are true, and I believe in all of them, because I have seen them with my own eyes.”