Peaches not only beautify the skin for women but also have the ability to prevent iron anemia, help us sleep well, …
Peach jam
Resources: 1kg large peaches A pinch of salt. 1kg of white sugar 2-3 lemons. Glass jars (if large, only one will be needed and small ones will require more quantity) Large wooden spoon or soup ladle Making: Peaches wash through a turn of water and then soak it with dilute salt water for 10-15 minutes. During this time, bring the tools and jars to soak as above with hot water to sterilize them. You remove the peach in the basket to dry out the water. Then peel the peaches off, remove the seeds and cut the peaches into small pieces. The same is true for glassware and containers, so let the water dry out. If you want faster, you can expose them to the sun. Lemon squeezed out the juice and filtered out the seeds. Put the peaches in the blender, and the peach smoothness depends on your liking. After grinding, put all peaches in a pot, put on the stove and heat over medium heat. You put sugar in and remember to stir it evenly and continuously. When you feel the paste is thick, thick and drained, turn off the heat and add lemon juice. Stir well so that the lemon is evenly absorbed into the peaches. You let the peach jam cool and then scoop into each glass jar, tightly close the lid and put in the refrigerator to use gradually. Pickled peaches
Resources: Peach: 1kg Sugar: 0.5kg Note: If you want the pieces of yellow peaches, you can choose both brown sugar and white sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Making: Step 1: Preliminary processing of peaches After picking peaches, wash the peaches under the tap water. Cut the peaches into pieces, where they are cut, soak the peaches in salt water so that the peach pieces won’t get dark, they will look very bad. After that, you will peel the peach peel, it may take a bit of effort, but it will not darken the peaches. After cutting, you will peel, peel any pieces, then soak them in salt water. Step 2: Win the road After you finish cutting peaches, you win a little sugar with a little water until the sugar is yellow, pour water and sugar and bring to a boil. Measure out enough water to fit the jar you intend to contain peaches, and the sugar depends on your taste. But if you sweeten it, your peaches will be more infused. And the sugar water you will use later on to make tea, so don’t worry about excess. Step 3: Complete how to make pickled peaches After boiling, you pick up the peaches from the bowl of tangled salt water into a pot of sugar water and boil until the color turns clear, take it out and drop it into the bowl of ice water. Pour peach sugar pot into the jar that you have prepared to soak peaches. You put peaches in the jar and pour just enough sugar water to prepare the peach face, the rest you can store in the refrigerator to use gradually to make tea. Honey grilled peach
Resources: Fresh peaches 4 Fruits Butter 80 Gr Honey 2 Tbsp Fresh milk ice cream 150 ml Cheese 250 Gr Vanilla 1 Tsp Almond 1 Tbsp Making: Turn on a 180 degree C oven. Choose 4 ripe peaches, rinse, and drain. Cut peaches in half, then peel the seeds out. Place each piece of peach in a baking tray. On the peach, put the chopped butter. Next, sprinkle honey on the peach. Place the peach tray in the oven for 20 minutes.
While waiting for the peaches to bake, make the cream mixture. Mix 250g cheese, 150ml whipped cream and 1 teaspoon vanilla in a tub, then refrigerate them. Put peaches in a plate, scoop up the cream mixture, sprinkle with almonds. Peach ice cream Resources: – About 8 peaches, peeled, seeded, cut areca zone. – 400g sugar. – 2 tablespoons of flour. 1/2 teaspoon salt. – 3 eggs, filter the yolks and beat them. – 500ml whipping cream (whipping cream). – 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract. – 1 liter of whole-cream fresh milk. Tools to use – Egg beater. – Blender. – A small pot. – 1 large bowl. Making: Step 1: You mix peaches with 200g of sugar, let soak for a few hours for the peaches to soften and the sugar can melt. You add sugar and peaches in a blender until you get a smooth, liquid mixture. Step 2: Use a small pot, add 200g of sugar, a little salt and 3 eggs and flour and cook over low heat, while stirring until the mixture is cool. Step 3: When the mixture has cooled, add whipped cream and vanilla essence until the mixture becomes fluffy. Step 4: Pour milk into the pureed peaches into the bowl, mix well until the cream is smooth. Step 5: Put it in the freezer for about 1 hour and then pour it into the ice cream maker. If you are not using an ice cream maker, you can also put it in the ice cream mold and then in the freezer of the refrigerator. About 2-3 hours, you take out the island once again and do it continuously about 2-3 times, the ice cream will be delicious. TB (Synthetic) Photo: Collectibles
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