The colors you choose every day can convey the information to the world. For example, if you like to wear red clothes, you might be considered a dominant person.
1. Red: Red can make you think of aggression and domination. The researchers found that athletes wearing this color were 5% more likely to win. It activates heart rate and increases testosterone, so it can improve performance. Studies confirm that red color helps to attract men. So if you want attention, girls try red. 2. Purple: Purple is associated with royalty and royal rituals. Besides, it also left an impression of magic. Purple color stimulates creativity and brings peace. If this is your favorite color then you are quite sensitive.
3. Orange: If you like orange and use it a lot, you can be very active. Color is very strong and can be associated with a vibrant social environment. In addition, orange brings excitement and energy. That is probably why many sports teams use it as their uniform.
4. White: People who like white want a sense of satisfaction. They tend to be organized, logical and detailed at work. People who like white often want independence in creating things.
5. Black: People who like black often evoke a sense of luxury and mystery. Black reflects a certain realism and realism to the world, which is why black is used so much by people who need to comply with their workplace dress codes. People who like black often crave control and independence.
6. Blue: The type of person who likes blue can be idealistic, trustworthy, autonomous and thoughtful in his creative work. They tend to pay attention to details, become perfectionists, and have perfect manners. Employers may look for candidates who choose blue outfits for positions that require high stress.
7. Yellow: A person who loves yellow has a craving for adventure. If white is about independence, yellow is about freedom. Color represents humor, nature, optimism and passion. These people tend to be creative but impulsive.
8. Green: We associate green with money and vegetables, but researchers think that people who like green often like outdoor activities and want to have a peaceful life. Green also evokes success, relaxation, and calmness.
9. Pink: People who love pink evoke gentle, feminine colors. This color is also known to be a good mood regulator color and it makes the wearer look softer. Pink is also a symbol of love, sensitivity, generosity, and kindness. Photo: BS. Invite readers to watch the video “Suggest not to dress Lo Hang at Hoan Kiem lake walking street should be understood?”. Source: VTV TSTC.
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