Not only beautiful and fragrant, flowers such as chrysanthemums, coins, and tulips work to purify and remove harmful substances from the air.
Chrysanthemum: According to the Healthline, NASA research determined this flower has the ability to purify the air. It is found to be highly effective at removing ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene from indoor air. Image: Inspireflowers. Gerbera: This is a beautiful flower with many different colors. Gerbera has a high rate of evaporation and the ability to effectively clean indoor air. It removes chemicals such as benzene from the air. Exposure to benzene has been linked to leukemia, and the chemical can get into your home from car smoke, glue smoke, solvents, paints, and art supplies. Image: Coadyflorist.
Tulips: This lovely flower comes in many different colors. They also work to keep the air clean. The reason is that they have been shown to be effective in removing formaldehyde, xylene and ammonia from the air. Image: Aliexpress.
Lavender: This flower has a very pleasant scent, helping you to fall asleep easily. Although lavender is usually an outdoor plant, you can grow it in your bedroom if you keep it exposed to sunlight. Just plant it in a pot that is large enough and not too soggy. Image: Essexproperty.
Anthuriums (Anthurium): This plant belongs to the araceae family of plants, native to Colombia and Ecuador. A heart-shaped rose, shiny green leaves and beautiful flowers last several months after blooming. It is effective in cleaning formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene and toluene from the air. Image: Crocus.
Dendrobium orchids: This is a flower grown indoors that is adapted to all different environments. That is one of the reasons they are so popular and so easy to maintain. Dendrobium orchids are characteristic white or purple, growing in rows on the trunk. This flower is effective in removing xylene and toluene from the air. Image: Tvgazeta.
Thu Hai Road: This is also a beautiful plant with some vibrant colors that can bloom all year round if the conditions are right. They also help remove chemicals from the air. Image: Gardenknowhow.
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