Home Cuisine Food prices on May 19: Fruit and vegetable prices continued a slight...

Food prices on May 19: Fruit and vegetable prices continued a slight downward trend


Prices of vegetables and food today May 19 in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong River Delta region continued the slight downtrend. Fruit prices inched up slightly after several days of price declines.
In the city. In Ho Chi Minh City, many fruit and vegetable products fell sharply. The price of collard greens and broccoli is 17,000 VND/kg, down 3,000 VND/kg, the price of spinach is 22,000 VND/kg, 3000 VND/kg, the price of bok choy is 10,000 VND/kg, 3000 VND/kg, and the price of spinach is 10,000 VND/kg decreased by 2000 VND/kg, green beans cost 16,000 VND, green nib skin 13,000 VND/kg increased by 2000 VND/kg, cabbage 15,000 VND/kg increased by 3000 VND/kg…

Fruit and vegetable prices continue their slight downward trend Similarly, in the Mekong Delta, vegetable prices also tend to decline sharply. Choysum is priced at 18,000 VND/kg, down 3000 VND/kg, 18,000 broccoli is down 3,000 VND/kg, water spinach is priced at 12,000 VND/kg, down by 2000 VND/kg, spinach is 12,000 VND/kg, slightly increased by 2,000 VND/kg. white cabbage 13,000 VND/kg down 2,000 VND/kg, eggplant 11,000 VND/kg down 1000 VND/kg, chickpeas 20,000 VND/kg down 2,000 VND/kg, green onions 20,000 VND/kg, bitter melon 25,000 VND/kg kg, gourd 15,000 VND/kg, okra 20,000 VND/kg… Prices of some fruits inched up slightly after several days of declines. Cat Chu mango is priced at 11,000 VND / kg, a slight increase of 1000 VND / kg, acacia mango is 6000 VND / kg, up 1000 VND / kg, Hoa Loc mango price is 22,000 VND / kg, up 2000 VND / kg, green skin pomelo grade 1 price 30,000 VND/kg, type 2 costs 25,000 VND/kg… Seafood products, fresh meat prices are stable. Giant freshwater prawn is 250,000 VND/kg, white meat catfish is 35,000 VND/kg, farmed snakehead fish is 50,000 VND/kg, red tilapia is 45,000-48,000 VND/kg, tilapia is 28,000 VND/kg Tilapia is priced at 32,000 VND/kg, a discount of 2,000 VND/kg. The price of meat also kept stable at 120,000 VND/kg for pork leg, 140,000 VND/kg for bacon, 240,000 VND/kg for beef. Ready-made whole chicken with a slight discount of 120,000 – 130,000 VND/head, 5000 VND/head, ready-made whole duck for 77,000-82,000 VND/kg…