Knowing the tips of using this oil-free fryer, make sure the dishes cooked with an oil-free fryer will be extremely delicious!
The oil-free fryer is probably all too familiar to you. But how to properly use the fryer, whether you already know? Let’s learn cooking tips with your oil-free fryer Thu Thuy through your shared article at Yeu Kitchen group (Esheep Kitchen family) sisters!
Cooking tips with oil-free fryer First, always imagine in advance what you will cook to actively prepare. For example, every meat dish we can marinate from the night before, overnight is just enough to taste, get up in the oil-free fryer the next morning, set the time and temperature to have breakfast or lunch. . If you plan to cook many dishes at once, consider the order accordingly. Cook dishes that are not marinated first, for example fried tofu, spring rolls … then make dishes such as chicken, ribs, barbecue … to avoid the case that the pot is sticky with sauce, you must wash it to continue cooking. Sauce dishes can be lined with foil, parchment paper or banana leaves to be clean and easy to wash (but will have to turn over during cooking to be both sides). If it is a banana leaf, you should use a slightly larger leaf or lay a stack of 2 leaves is also okay, because the leaves will curl. There are many marinade recipes, but if you do not have much time, you can take advantage of some of the marinade in the bottles sold at supermarkets and stores.
The oil-free fryer is no substitute for the traditional oil-frying method. Certain dishes such as spring rolls, or deep-fried dishes … should be fried with oil first to cook about 70-80%, then fry in an oil-free fryer. This way makes the dish crunchy, delicious and reduces the feeling of being fed up with grease. For large, whole meats, such as chicken drumsticks; then you should scratch on the surface of the meat to absorb the spices evenly, set low heat for a long time to cook from the inside out, then raise the heat for a short time to have a crispy surface. , glossy. For example, with grilled chicken thighs you can let 180 degrees C for 15 minutes and then increase to 200 degrees C in 3 minutes. All recipes are only relative, because each household uses a different pot, different quantities of food … so it is not possible to apply the same level of time and temperature. If you are new to using it, you should pay close attention during the baking process to draw out the right time and temperature formula, do not depend on the pot too open to burn. Here are 3 recipes with Thu Thuy’s oil-free fryer. The sisters refer together! 3 recipes with oil-free fryers Grilled meat skewers in an oil-free fryer
Ingredients for skewers grilled in an oil-free fryer: 500g of meat (should choose fatty shoulder meat), 1 large spoon of chopped purple onion, 1 large spoon of chopped garlic, 3-4 chopped lemongrass plants at the beginning and the end, chopped up, 1 big spoon of oyster oil, 1 half large spoon of soup powder, 1 big spoon of sesame oil, 1 big spoon of roasted sesame seeds, 1 big teaspoon of condensed milk, 1 little water. How to make grilled skewers with an oil-free fryer: Marinate meat with all ingredients, squeeze evenly, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight. Before baking, squeeze a little lemon (about half a fruit), squeeze it to make the meat softer and then use a skewer of meat. Note that the skewers are not too thick for the meat to cook evenly. Bake the meat at 180 degrees C for 8 minutes and then turn the grill over for another 3-4 minutes. Please note that you should adjust the pot at home to draw out the most suitable time and temperature! Roasted peanuts in an oil-free fryer
With peanuts you can roast 180 degrees C in 7 minutes. The finished product is a delicious crispy roasted peanut dish. If you want to make salt-roasted peanuts, you can leave it to 180 degrees C for about 4 to 5 minutes and then remove, mix with a little oil then put in an oil-free fryer for another 200 degrees 2 to 3 minutes (adjust the pot and peanuts size). After that, bring the finished product and mix with salt. Cashews, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds … can also be used to roast with an oil-free fryer. Grilled sweet Potato
For delicious baked potatoes, you should choose a wilt potato a little, now it will produce more honey will be better. Then put the sweet potato in an oil-free fryer and let it sit at 180 degrees C for 15 minutes and then turn over for another 10 to 15 minutes. This dish has absolutely no fixed heat recipe because depending on the size of the potato, everyone can keep cooked potatoes. Wishing you success with the dishes using the oil-free fryer! According to the Vietnamese lifestyle
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