The Fate / Stay Night franchise is famous for bringing the souls of historical heroes back to serving as Servants for the Master in Holy War.
Each of them has their own unique tools and techniques associated with the legend that make fans excited. In Fate / Grand Order amount Anh Linh There will be even more when each Master is not limited by one Servant like the original story. Movie poster Fate / Grand Order: Camelot circular sanctuary. Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci is an Italian genius, living in the 15th century. He is a master in painting, sculpture, architecture, music, medicine, machine engineering, anatomy, invention, and philosophy. In Fate / Grand Order, Da Vinci is said to have possessed powerful magic since birth. You are Anh Linh third is summoned in Chaldea by the system Fate.
Da Vinci chose to redesign his body into a woman. Photo: CTCC Da Vinci has chosen to redesign her body into the perfect woman, the Mona Lisa. Since the Fate system is still being finalized, the contract’s Da Vinci and Master also not stable. She watch Master I am a student and I am a teacher. Treasure of the Da Vinci is the Demihuman Multiplayer has the ability to temporarily regenerate the enemy’s Treasure and deflect the attack. Artoria Pendragon Fans of Fate / Stay Night must have been too familiar with her Saber capital is Artoria Pendragon. However, this version comes from a future where it is assumed Artoria using the Sacred Spear Rhongomyniad to rule England instead of Excalibur. After escaping death in historic Camlann Hill, she became one Spirit with the name Lion King.
Artoria Pendragon. Artoria has fully summoned Kingdom of Camelot and the Knights of the roundtable arrived in Jerusalem in 1273 and created a singularity that caused Chaldea to intervene. With the power of Rhongomyniad, Artoria This is more mature, assertive and brutal than the version of Saber that fans have loved. Ozymandias Living around the 13th century BC, Ozymandias is considered one of the greatest Pharaohs of Egypt, the ruler of a vast empire. He not only helped keep the peace, bring prosperity to Egypt, but also left behind countless great architectural works to this day.
Ozymandias. For some reason, Ozymandias summoned Jerusalem and become King of the Sun against Lion King. His Noble Phantasm is Ramesseum Tentyris – a complex of countless shrines and giant tombs that can create a kingdom for the people. Arash Arash is a legendary hero of ancient Persia serving under his command King Manuchehr. He was the one who ended the 60-year war between the Persians and the Turks with a gunshot of 2,500km, delimiting the border. However its consequences are Arash had to sacrifice his life.
Arash. This is also the Noble Phantasm Stella: Lone Meteor when summoned in Fate / Grand Order . Together with assassins Hassan hands cursed , Arash creating a third force in Camelot’s Diosphere while protecting innocent people in the mountains. Xuanzang three organs Like Artoria Pendragon , Xuanzang Tripitaka in the world Fate / Grand Order are also female. She has a similar story in the novel Journey to the West when she was ordered by the Bodhisattva Guanyin and the disciples Sun Wukong, Zhuge Liang and Sa Wukong to Tay Truc sometimes business.
The character of Xuanzang Tripitaka. Thanks to the afterlife of the Golden Zen Zen Buddhist, Xuanzang Tam Tibet can use the Noble Phantasm as a hybrid of the chakra to summon Marble. In addition, she can also temporarily borrow a portion of the powers of her disciples. Character is one Servant generation Caster and wandering around Jerusalem to investigate Camelot singularities. Bedivere Bedivere was one of the first round table Knights to serve under his command Artoria Pendragon . Although he is the only normal person in the guild, he is still an excellent swordsman and an excellent army commander. Even with only one arm, Bedivere OK Artoria entrusting the task of returning the holy sword. Because of the unfinished mission, the knight had to live a long wandering time to atone.
After Lion King rise, Bedivere once again summoned. Merlin bestow on you treasure Switch On – Airgetlam to have enough strength against the other roundtable Knights. On the way Jerusalem, Bedivere Meet and become a companion of Ritsuka Fujimaru, Mash Kyrielight and Leonardo Da Vinci. The Knights Round Table When summoning Camelot come Jerusalem , Artoria Pendragon also brought his mighty roundtable Knights together. Among these are a series of famous and familiar names in legends such as Lancelot – Knights round table strongest with Arondight Noble Phantasm – Overload making light slash. The Sun Knight Gawain possesses Noble Phantasm Excalibur Galatine – sword with artificial sun lying on the handle.
They are the most powerful force now Jerusalem Present with mysterious conspiracy. Camelot is also the main rival of Chaldea in the journey to find the Holy Grail in this singularity and promises to bring epic, fierce battles with the remaining forces. Fate / Grand Order premiered in theaters across the country on April 16.
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