Once a concept only in the imagination, people are getting closer and closer to immortality thanks to the achievements of technology.
Once a concept only in the imagination, people are getting closer and closer to immortality thanks to the achievements of modern science and technology … According to Chronicles of Sima Qian, in 219 BC, Qin Shihuang, fearing death, assigned the body to seek the secret of immortality. Regrettably, the dream of the first Emperor to unify China did not come true. Later, oil king John Davison Rockefeller – considered the richest American of all time – became the first person to successfully extend life with six heart changes in 38 years. These are two of the many examples of human desire to become immortal. That desire is becoming more and more burning, and based on the reality and the achievements of current science and technology, one day, man’s immortal dream will come true … Technology that prolongs life For scientists, human immortality is also an area of research that receives a lot of attention. Although negating the immortality hypothesis from some religious point of view, atheists maintain Albert Einstein’s theory of relative immortality. In addition, modern scientific achievements are gradually proving the concept of relative immortality of the individual through physical immortality and biological immortality, instead of the subconscious “having death becomes immortal”. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the development of life-prolonging intervention technology has made great progress. Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School, thinks we are witnessing new developments in technology and one day all humans can live to be 150 years old .. In medicine, gene therapies have long been used to help people regenerate themselves and fight all diseases. The current achievements of gene implantation, reversing the aging process by enzyme and NAD, effects on chromosomes or stem cells … are still quite limited. While it is possible to maintain a person’s lifespan for up to 15%, or even longer, the distance to immortality is a long way to go. In contrast, studies such as Syncardia and Carmat artificial hearts that have just been approved for commercial use will make the human immortality process more and more realistic. This artificial heart possesses a structure similar to that of a human heart and can automatically adjust the rate of blood flow throughout the body. They can also be replaced in the face of depletion and self-adapting to the changing mechanisms of life. An artificial heart works similarly to a human heart Currently, 81 patients have received artificial heart transplants worldwide. Not only the artificial heart, the famous academic journal Nature recently selected the “Seven Major Aging Intervention Technologies,” including a β-nicotinamide derivative from the Harvard laboratory, which was put into experiment. Sinclair, who discovered how the substance works, revealed that there is an important coenzyme called NAD +, which is equivalent to the body’s energy production plant, but its content is not static and will decrease with age. This is the cause of problems like aging and depression. Scientists have discovered the β-nicotinamide derivative adds enzyme levels to longevity. However, the price barrier of β-nicotinamide is a major hurdle to address. The famous investment bank Bank of America Merrill Lynch forecasts that the global anti-aging industry has a huge potential market of up to $ 600 billion. Realize the immortal dream with technology Biological immortality from life-prolonging technology only helps people have a few decades of life expectancy, which is not the final destination of the human future. Now, the new achievements of artificial intelligence (AI) will open up a promising direction. The move from Elon Musk’s computer-brain research recently went beyond the experimental basis, showing that the line between humans and AI is almost broken. From the idea that was once thought to be crazy, the research achievements of Elon Musk and scientists were able to initially modify human limitations. The first trials have been effective in patients with polio, the next challenge that this project aims to be to break human limits …
Elon Musk’s brain-computer interface opens the door to breaking human boundaries After brain-computer interfaces, gene editing, nano-robots or the advent of an artificial heart, the new achievements add new magical weapons to the realm of life-prolonging technology. The company’s most recent achievement Promobot has released a new robot model developed by artificial intelligence covered entirely with artificial leather. This robot can express more than 600 expressions by making eye, eyebrow, lip and body movements similar to a real person. If it is possible to combine with medical nanotechnology or cloning based on cloning techniques, create living individuals with genetically identical multicellular structure using metamaterial metamaterials, at the same time In terms of human intelligence, consciousness, and memory, such as the Avatar Project (or Project of Life) by tycoon Dmitry Itskov, that’s when people can literally become immortal and dream “wisdom. “artificial intelligence” will become a reality. Some futurists say that before our bodies can achieve immortality, we can fully connect our thoughts with the mechanical world, and we will live well in the cloud. Even a Swedish funeral company has been looking for volunteers to allow deceased loved ones to be tested in hopes of creating robotic copies of their loved ones. In the near future, humans will be able to store their consciousness on hardware, meaning the portal to digital immortality has opened up.
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