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Mumps in pregnant women: The characteristic signs of the disease through each stage


Mumps in pregnant women is quite rare if you have had a preventive vaccine before becoming pregnant. However, it is not certain, if your resistance is impaired it is possible to develop mumps during pregnancy. Learn the signature signs for early diagnosis.


  1. Signs of mumps in pregnant women in the salivary glands

1.1. Mumps incubation period
1.2. Signs of mumps in pregnant women onset
1.3. Signs of mumps in pregnant women in full-blown stage
1.4. Signs of recovery phase 2. Signs mumps in pregnant women outside the salivary glands 3. Notes for pregnant women when mumps

Mumps is a viral illness. The disease is capable of spreading from person to person through inhalation, eating, and sharing an item containing the pathogen.

Compared with mumps in children Mumps in pregnant women much more dangerous. Because it can cause complications affecting maternal health and fetal development if not detected and treated early.

Here are some typical signs of mumps in pregnant women, mothers should not ignore to protect their health.

1. Signs of mumps in pregnant women in the salivary glands

What are the characteristic signs of mumps in pregnant women? Are symptoms similar to mumps in children? Below are signs of mumps in specific stages.

1.1. Mumps incubation period

Like mumps in children, mumps usually show no characteristic signs during the incubation period. The incubation period of mumps in pregnant women usually lasts from 12-25 days. An average of 18 days prior to the sudden onset.

During the incubation period, pregnant mothers are very difficult to determine whether they have mumps or not. Because abnormal signs appear only suddenly during onset. Some common signs in the patient are fatigue, loss of appetite, swelling and pain of the salivary glands, …

Signs of mumps in pregnant women in the salivary gland – Photo: Internet

1.2. Signs of mumps in pregnant women onset

One of the characteristic signs of mumps in pregnant women is a high fever. Mumps patients can have a fever from 38-40 degrees Celsius, lasting for a long time depending on the person’s location.

A high fever usually develops after an incubation period. That means after 18-25 days since pregnant women exposed to pathogens. Before this stage, your body will not have any symptoms.

Entering the onset period, in addition to high fever, the patient appears to have symptoms such as: headache, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, joint pain, sore throat and jaw pain when talking.

At the onset stage, the patient still has pain at three points Rillet-Barthez including: Muzzle, temporal joint and lower angle of jaw bone. Then the gland will gradually enlarge causing pain. Pain that is more severe when you visit or chew food.

1.3. Signs of mumps in pregnant women in full-blown stage

Entering the full-blown stage, after 24 to 48 hours after a fever, the patient’s body will appear signs of parotitis. Initially enlarged and painful on one side. It then spreads rapidly to the other side and other salivary glands.

On examination, the mouth of the Stenon tube was swollen, red, and swollen, but without pus. Most cases of mumps in pregnant women have swelling on both sides.

Swollen area is asymmetric, with large sides, small sides shiny, hot to the touch. When pressed, there is no sag and pain. The skin in the swollen area is normal in color and elasticity, with no redness.

Pregnant women can read more articles:.

Signs of mumps in pregnant women full-blown – Photo: Internet

1.4. Signs of recovery phase

1 week after the full-blown period, the patient will enter the recovery period. At this time, the parotid glands reduce pain and become smaller. Symptoms such as sore throat, difficulty swallowing with food decrease and slowly go away.

2. Signs mumps in pregnant women outside the salivary glands

In addition to the common manifestations in the salivary glands, mumps in pregnant women also cause damage to nerves and other organs.

Meningitis, which usually appears after parotid gland inflammation. Typical signs are high fever, headache, vomiting, behavioral disturbances, neck stiffness, convulsions, …

  • Mild acute pancreatitis, with no characteristic symptoms. However, in severe cases, the patient may experience a high fever, pain and a reaction to the abdominal wall. The course of acute pancreatitis is usually benign, sometimes creating pseudo-cysts in patients.

  • Manifestation in other parts including the tear gland, thymus, thyroid, mammary gland, ovary …

Most people with mumps have these symptoms. However, some cases of mumps in pregnant women have no specific symptoms such as: No fever, no parotid lymph nodes, no fatigue, … These cases are extremely dangerous because complications can occur. out anytime that they don’t get caught early to avoid it.

Signs of mumps in pregnant women outside the salivary glands – Photo: Internet

3. Notes for pregnant women when mumps

When there are signs of fever accompanied by inflammation of the jaw you need to immediately go to the hospital to be examined and diagnosed correctly. The doctor will help you relieve the symptoms of the disease, make sure the mother and baby are safe.

After the symptoms gradually disappear, pregnant mothers should re-examine periodically at 12, 22, 32 … weeks as directed by the doctor.

If you have mumps in pregnant women, you need to stay calm, don’t worry or hurry. Listen to the specialist’s doctor for timely action.

Besides, you need to regularly monitor the development of the fetus after the disease is recovered. At the same time, perform prenatal screening to detect bad risks.

Experts said, pregnant women with mumps during pregnancy, if monitored and promptly treated, can still give birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, you do not need to worry too much about mumps in pregnancy.

However, to ensure the health of mother and baby, it is better to have mumps vaccination before planning a pregnancy. In case of abnormal body signs, immediately go to the medical facility for early examination, diagnosis and treatment.