Home Cuisine Restaurant owner makes a record 155m long bread to celebrate ‘escape’ from...

Restaurant owner makes a record 155m long bread to celebrate ‘escape’ from COVID-19


A restaurant owner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA) celebrated his 50th personal birthday and celebrated the return to normality after COVID-19 with a special way: Making a long steak. more than 155 m.

Rene Kobeitri’s 155 m long Philly Cheesesteak. Photo: CNN Rene Kobeitri, owner of Rim Cafe restaurant, said that this is the longest Philly cheesesteak in the world, breaking the old record of 146 meters. To complete this product, many chefs from all over the United States came to help Kobeitri, bringing “international taste” to the famous Philadelphia bakery product. “Each chef is in charge of a separate bakery area. We have a Brazilian steakhouse, an English section, and a Chinese section. They make cheese bread. I have never witnessed this,” Kobeitri said. To make this super long cake, the restaurant had to prepare 227 kilograms of meat and it took more than two hours to complete. Less than an hour after “displaying” on the street, everything was gone. According to Kebeitri, this is not simply a birthday celebration, nor is it for the purpose of setting a world record. He personally wanted an opportunity to bring people together after more than a year of living in isolation because of the epidemic. “The only thing that made me do this idea was to want everyone to be happy, to bring everyone together,” the restaurant owner shared. Cheesesteak is considered the best bread in America, originating from the city of Philadelphia, and is called Philly Cheesesteak for short. Philly Cheese Steak is simply a type of snack bread, with a loaf split in half topped with a thin grilled steak with onions and cheese on top. Other variations include steak and mushrooms, steak and green bell peppers, and steak with lots of onions.