When it appears and sleeps next to a patient, that person will die within 2 hours.
Oscar is a therapy cat among six kittens adopted in 2005 by the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Providence, Rhode Island, United States. It has 41 treatment beds for people with end-stage Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other diseases.
The job of therapy cats is to be with, play, and provide warmth at the end of life for patients. However, Oscar is not like other feline friends. As commented by the staff at Steele House: “Oscar is not a friendly cat, he often avoids, sometimes hisses at people when he wants to be alone. .” When he was 6 months old, Oscar began to appear strange powers. Like a messenger of bad news, Oscar has the ability to clearly determine who is about to be picked up by death. Usually about two days before a patient’s death, Oscar would leave his preferred locations and walk through the building’s hallways, visiting individual patients but never staying long. Dr. Dosa said: “ When someone is not ready to die, the cat will walk away. It won’t be in their room until the day they die. Sometimes it will be in the patient’s room up to 4 hours in advance. But usually it only appears about 2 hours before they take their last breath .”
Oscar’s way of signaling was to jump into bed, lying next to a patient who was too weak to ward off it. Soon after, the patient takes his last breath. Up to now, more than 100 cases have been correctly predicted by Oscar, helping Oscar become a famous “cat of death” in the US media from 2007 to 2010. And there was only one death without Oscar’s presence. Not because the cat was unpredictable or inattentive, but because a relative of the patient asked to have the cat removed from the hospital bed. However, even when taken out, Oscar still had strange reactions. The cat scratched the front door, meowing. Apparently he wanted to stay in his room and wasn’t happy about being kicked out.
Despite the possibility of death, Oscar was not hated at all. In contrast, staff at Steele House often closely observe the cat’s movements to contact the patient’s family soon. Many people were able to meet their loved ones at the last minute. Most of them are grateful to Oscar. Some even praised Oscar’s actions, saying that the cat was trying to get close to and bring warmth to the patients in the moment before saying goodbye to the world. At Steere House, there are currently 25 letters from the patient’s family to thank the cat.
Some experts put forward scientific theories to explain this phenomenon. According to them, it is likely that Oscar’s action was simply to alert nurses and medical staff to the patient’s current condition. For example, with a dying person, the frequency of activities and movements in the room will be more (the reason is that medical staff often have to pay attention and follow up). Oscar may very often go to the bedside of a sick person, simply because he senses something unusual. In the animal kingdom, many species have the ability to sense and respond to signals that are difficult to detect around.
In the case of Oscar, if the cat keeps wandering around the rooms, the possibility of contact with many people, including the dying patient is quite high and as such, this is just coincidental, accidental. . However, many people disagree with this interpretation. Previously, there was an interesting study that showed that dogs are animals that can detect cancer and some other diseases, although the success rate is not high. Although they do not have extrasensory abilities, instead, their super-sensitive nose helps detect subtle signs of disease that appear during the body’s response to disease. Like dogs, Oscar also has the same ability to smell. The chemicals secreted by the body when dying will trigger a response, but it is not obvious because countless other mixed odors in the hospital such as flowers, food, medicine, cleaning solutions, etc. have masked the “smell” the scent of death”. Until now, the story of the cat Oscar has not been clearly explained by science, so many people still believe that this cat really has the ability to “foretell” about death.
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