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Tag: Corona pandemic

Heil advertises training bonuses There should be no “Corona class” The...

Heil is promoting training bonuses There should be no "Corona vintage" Status: 06/22/2021 05:07The second year of training...

EY study Corona changes the pharmaceutical industry The corona pandemic did...

EY study Corona is changing the pharmaceutical industry Status: June 21, 2021 3:53 p.m.The corona pandemic did not...

Debate about opening times for Sunday shopping until Christmas? Brick-and-mortar retail...

Debate about opening times Shop on Sundays until Christmas? Status: 19.06.2021 2:58 p.m.Brick-and-mortar retail suffered a lot in...

Bundesbank survey Germans are skeptical about the digital euro The corona...

Bundesbank survey Germans are skeptical about the digital euroStatus: 16.06.2021 1:05 p.m. The corona pandemic has further reduced the use...

Digital consumer protection Security gaps in health apps In the corona...

Digital consumer protection Vulnerabilities in health appsAs of: 16.06.2021 1:53 p.m. In the corona pandemic, health apps have gained many...

European market China significantly cuts investments In 2020, China invested less...

European market China is significantly reducing investmentsStatus: 16.06.2021 12:53 p.m. China invested less in the European market in 2020 than...

ILO report Millions of domestic workers are exploited According to a...

ILO report millions Domestic servants are exploitedStatus: 15.06.2021 6:05 p.m. Working conditions for domestic workers have continued to deteriorate during...

Corona pandemic Pfizer tests vaccine on young children BioNTech and Pfizer...

Corona pandemic Pfizer trials vaccine on young childrenAs of: June 9th, 2021 8:38 pm BioNTech and Pfizer also want their...

“Corona has destroyed all plans”

A current study shows: Refugees have been thrown back on the labor market by the pandemic much more than the rest of the...

What the new compulsory test means

From today on, employers must offer corona tests to all employees who are not in the home office. Who receives test offers and...

Cabinet agrees on “federal emergency brake”

The cabinet has agreed on uniform corona measures. From an incidence of 100, a night curfew should apply. However, the Bundestag does not want...

What the mandatory test means in concrete terms

Anyone who does not work in the home office should receive corona tests from their employer in the future. What does that mean for...

Apparently agreement on compulsory testing for employers

Companies should apparently be obliged to offer a corona test offer for employees. According to the SPD, the coalition is in agreement. The Ministry...