Wednesday, March 26, 2025


Free corona tests Pharmacies want to reduce supply In view of...

Free corona tests Pharmacies want to reduce supply Status: 06/20/2021 07:22 a.m.In view of falling demand and less...

Corona vaccine CVnCoV Bad interim result for CureVac Setback for CureVac:...

Corona vaccine CVnCoV Bad Intermediate result for CureVac As of: 06/17/2021 6:42 a.m.Setback for CureVac: The corona vaccine...

Study on corona vaccine Novavax 90 percent effective According to preliminary...

Corona vaccine study Novavax is 90 percent effectiveStatus: 14.06.2021 2:21 p.m. According to preliminary study data, the corona vaccine from the...

EU authority More product piracy in the pandemic Counterfeit clothing, electronics,...

EU authority More Piracy in the pandemicAs of: June 8th, 2021 9:10 a.m. Counterfeit clothing, electronics, cosmetics: According to the...

Stories about people voluntarily infected with COVID-19

They are volunteers – all young and healthy – carefully selected to be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus for research purposes. Jacob...

COVID-19 with climate change and public health

Many studies have been done and suggest that climate change can be a factor in the COVID-19 pandemic. Similarities Between Climate Change and...

Spanish books about the pandemic

Covid-19 appeared and quickly became a global problem. There, each author finds a way to exploit to raise his voice before the epidemic. February...

Germany expects 25 EU billion

About a year ago, the EU agreed on the Corona reconstruction fund. Countries have to say what they want to do with the...

Federal Council lets “emergency brake” happen

The way for the nationwide Corona "emergency brake" is free: After the decision of the Bundestag, the Federal Council also allowed the amendment...

FFP2 masks undesirable on Amazon

The online retailer Amazon has researched by NDR, WDR and "SZ" employees in a plant in northern Germany...

Germany wants 30 million Sputnik cans

According to the Prime Minister of Saxony Kretschmer, Germany plans to purchase 30 million doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. The prerequisite...

Bundestag adopts the “emergency brake”

The Bundestag has decided on the nationwide uniform Corona "emergency brake". The federal government can thus significantly expand its powers. The opposition also...

Constant corona values ​​on Mallorca

After the end of the Easter holidays Mallorca draws a first balance. According to the data, the corona situation is stable. However, only...

In search of the miracle cure

While vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 were developed in record time, drug research is struggling to find an effective cure against Covid-19. But there are...

10 anecdotes few people know about the Eiffel Tower

Closed for more than three months due to the Coronavirus epidemic, the Eiffel Tower reopened to the public on Thursday, June 25, 2020. Here...

50 million additional BioNTech vaccination doses

The European Union is to receive 50 million doses of corona vaccine from BioNTech / Pfizer more than originally planned in the second...

Covid-19 – an agent to change the world order

The Covid-19 pandemic has claimed the lives of millions, seriously damaged the world's economy, threatened the operation of national politics, and disrupted the international...