Home Health The 12-year-old boy stopped developing height because of the wrong nutritional food...

The 12-year-old boy stopped developing height because of the wrong nutritional food of his parents


Every parent wants their children to be healthy and tall, but if the wrong nutrition is provided, it will have many negative effects on the child’s development.

Misconceptions about nutrition of parents will significantly affect the development of children. Illustration

The story shared by a Chinese couple on social networks recently made many mothers and fathers startled by misconceptions in how to care and nurture their children.

Vuong himself is 1.78m tall, his wife is 1.64m and his son Dao Dao is 12 years old this year, but he is 1.65m tall. The boy is nearly a head taller than most of his classmates, and it can be said that Dao Dao is the tallest person in the class. Mr. Vuong is very happy, feeling that his son will definitely be taller than 1.8m.

Being very interested in the development of his child, Mr. Wang took Dao Dao to the hospital to check the health, as well as the growth of the body or the age of the bones to see how much taller his son could be.

Amazingly, the doctor told Mr. Wang that the child’s cartilage gland was ready to stop growing and once it stopped growing, it would be difficult to grow taller in the future. In other words, although she has not yet begun to enter puberty – the stage of rapid growth in height, Dao Dao cannot grow taller. As a son, only 1.65m is a bit short indeed.

Mr. Wang told the doctor that they often pay close attention to the child’s nutrition and often feed him with bone broth every day. Starting from kindergarten, Dao Dao eats bone broth 2-3 times / week.

“Can not bone broth be fortified with calcium?”, Mr. Vuong wondered.

The doctor told Dao Dao’s father: “The bone broth contains very little calcium but the fat content is high. If you feed your child this type of fat-rich food regularly, it will easily cause fat accumulation in the child’s body. Too much fat will affect the baby’s growth hormone secretion, leading to early puberty, accelerating bone age, not beneficial for the child’s development.

Foods that affect the child’s height development, no matter how much they like it, should be limited.

Stewed bone broth

The bones are high in calcium but the broth is only high in fat. Illustration

Calcium content in bone is high, but calcium content in bone broth is very low, no matter how long it is simmered, calcium will almost remain in the bones and calcium content in broth will be very small. Conversely, after the bones are simmered for a long time, the main ingredient in the broth will be the bone marrow, which contains a lot of fat.

Therefore, children who use a lot of bone broth will increase the risk of obesity. Obesity is the enemy of children’s development, when children are obese, the aromatase content in adipose tissue will increase, leading to increased estrogen, increasing the age of the child’s bones and affecting the child’s development.

Soft drink

Children often enjoy drinking a variety of soft drinks. Although the taste is very popular with children, these drinks are not good for children’s height.

Carbonated soft drinks like Cola contain a lot of phosphorus but too much phosphorus will promote calcium loss, leading to calcium deficiency in children, affecting the growth and development of bones.

To make the taste even better, these drinks add a lot of sugar. White sugar is a high calorie food that can only provide calories for children, not vitamins, minerals, and protein … Therefore, children who drink these beverages can only gain weight easily without benefits. for height growth.


The ice cream used in bakery shops is usually vegetable ice cream, containing a large amount of trans fatty acids, which is not good for the child’s body. It only increases the amount of fat in the child’s body, makes the child obese and affects the height.

Fast food

Ingredients used in fast food are not guaranteed but add more spices like MSG. MSG will interfere with the absorption of zinc in the body, zinc deficient children will also affect height development and anorexia.

In addition, fast foods have a lot of salt, if they eat too much salt, they will eliminate excess sodium, when they excrete sodium, they will also excrete calcium, leading to calcium deficiency in the body and affecting child’s development.

Foods to help children develop height


Fish is one of the foods that help children develop the best height. Illustration

One of the best foods for height growth is fish. Salmon and tuna are two types of fish that are rich in vitamin D and protein. Children who use a lot of tuna will help increase height.

In addition, you should encourage your baby to spend a lot of time outdoors so that vitamin D in the sun can help absorb calcium well, so that the child can reach the ideal height.

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Consuming a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables is also very important for a child’s development. Fruits such as papaya, carrots, broccoli, spinach are foods rich in fiber, potassium, folate, especially vitamin A, which will help in the development of bones and tissues for children.

In addition, vitamin C in citrus fruits also aids in increasing height for children and also helps them to be healthier.


Milk is a calcium-rich drink that promotes development, while helping your baby’s bones become strong. Besides, vitamin A in milk helps the child’s body absorb calcium better. Besides, milk is also a very good source of protein, which helps in the growth of cells in the body.


Grains are not only a great source of energy, but also a good source of fiber, vitamins, iron, magnesium and selenium. In addition, cereals are also very high in calories, play an important role in the development of children. Typically brown rice, pasta and whole wheat are foods that help children grow taller.

Soy bean

Soybeans are the most protein-rich foods in foods that help children develop a plant-derived height, which greatly aids in the child’s bone development.

Soy milk also contains more fiber, copper, iron, niacin and more phytonutrients than cow’s milk. This is very necessary for brain development, stabilizing the digestive tract for the child.

Hoa Vu (According to Sina)