Home Health The culprit makes it difficult for men to lose beer belly

The culprit makes it difficult for men to lose beer belly


The seemingly harmless daily habits have become the cause of many men with oversized breasts and dangerous diseases.

Abdominal obesity is common in many men. It can have many causes, the most common being excess visceral fat – the amount of fat that surrounds the organs.

According to the CNN, At the end of September 2020, researchers in Canada and Iran have found that in men, belly fat makes men 12% more likely to die prematurely, each 10 cm increase respectively.

Oversized round 2 or beer belly also entails many dangerous diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea … Below are the reasons that make men easily fat, oversized, difficult lose fat.

Aging and hormones

According to the Livestrong, Older women tend to accumulate fat in the hips and thighs, especially after childbirth. The female hormone estrogen promotes fat storage in the lower body. Fat in these storage areas can provide women with the energy they need when they are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Meanwhile, men easily gain fat in the abdomen. Reply Livescience, said Dr. Zhaoping Li, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles, USA, said that in men, after the age of 40, the amount of testosterone drops drastically, the calories are more excess and stored as visceral fat.

When they run out of storage space in the abdomen, the fats are transferred to the liver, pancreas and muscles. This is also the time when men suffer from many diseases such as diabetes, liver, high blood pressure, excess cholesterol, heart disease …

The aging process also causes men to lose significant muscle mass. Muscles keep metabolism active, burn fat. From the age of 30 onwards, you lose about 0.45 kg of muscle weight each year. The decreased metabolism makes it easier for us to gain fat and put it on the stomach.

Abdominal fat, visceral fat is potentially harmful to the health of men. Photo: Getty Images.

Lack of healthy diet

Fatty nature is more calories you take in than you consume. Eating too much of any food can cause weight gain. However, some foods are blacklisted, but the top dishes list belly fat. They are soda, carbonated soft drinks, fruit juices, energy drinks … Instead of eating and drinking these products, you should choose alternatives such as water, herbal tea without sugar instead of soda.

In addition, refined grains in white bread, rice …, also cause belly fat than whole grains. A 2010 study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that refined grains were associated with belly fat gain, whereas whole grains were not. Good foods for you are brown rice, whole wheat bread. You should also eat with green vegetables, fruit (not just juices) to ensure a healthy and caloric diet.

Too much saturated fat can also make your bust appear smoother. They are found in whole, non-skim milk and meat. You should get unsaturated fats through foods such as nuts, chicken breasts, salmon, white fish …

Drink lots of alcohol

A study in Korea, published in Epidemiology and Health in 2010, proves that alcohol is the leading culprit causing belly fat.

Endocrinologist Michael Jensen at the Mayo Clinic also asserts the same thing. Because then, the liver will burn alcohol instead of the fat you load into the body. Beer and wine can contain up to 150 calories, each drink is loaded with many accompanying dishes, fried foods make the excess fat higher.

Research published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that not only does the second breast increase rapidly, drinking alcohol also causes many parts of the body to store fat, not only visceral fat. Drinking too much alcohol can also reduce testosterone levels, affect metabolism, can not eliminate fat.

Alcohol has been shown to be associated with an oversized bust, and dangerous visceral fat accumulation. Photo: Freepik.

Lazy movement

Men who work in the office, less moving and moving often have a big belly. Most of them do less exercise every day due to busy schedules, lack of time … These habits cause the metabolic index (BMR) to drop.

Lazy exercise not only causes belly fat for men but also for women, this is also very easy to happen. However, we should not practice focusing solely on the abdomen. The truth is, even when doing abdominal exercises every day, you will not necessarily have a flat and toned bust. Focusing on exercising to a specific muscle area will only help you increase strength and muscle mass, instead of losing fat.

You should combine functional exercises, using all the muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis … These are areas of the body with many muscle bundles, helping to burn higher calories.

Research in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise showed that if you keep high intensity during exercise will help reduce belly fat more effectively. Kate Patton, a nutritionist at Cleveland Clinic, USA, recommends that you take 250 minutes (medium intensity) or 125 minutes (high intensity) exercise per week.

Just crunching does not help us reduce the oversized 2. Photo: Getty Images.

Stress and lack of sleep

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced to help the body manage and deal with stress. When men are exposed to extreme stress or danger, their bodies release more cortisol and affect their metabolism.

We also tend to eat something or eat more to reduce stress. Cortisol prevents excess calories from being metabolized and accumulates around the abdomen and other areas of the body.

Stress and poor sleep quality are the main causes of visceral fat gain. Many people put pressure on themselves when they are obsessed with their weight. Stress increases the amount of hormone cortisol, promotes fat adhesion to cells.

Research from the National Institutes of Health shows that 30% of people in this country sleep less than 6 hours / day. This causes the waistline to accumulate excess fat quickly. Lack of sleep also increases the appetite hormone ghrelin.

A study in the US of over 70,000 women in 16 years found that those who slept less than 5 hours / day had a 13 kg increase risk compared to the group who got enough sleep. The National Institutes of Health recommends adult groups to sleep 7-8 hours / day.


In addition, according to Medical News TodaySome evidence also suggests that abdominal obesity and obesity are genetically related. Documents from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show variations in certain genes that may contribute to obesity by increasing hunger and cravings.

Genes can also affect behavior, metabolism, the risk of developing obesity-related disease, indirectly accumulate fat for round 2, causing a beer belly.