Life inside a submarine is not for everyone. It was an extremely cramped undersea world, time was like ‘freezing’ and without windows …
Submarine sailors have a particularly unusual life for ordinary people to imagine. According to Business Insider, American submarine sailors are usually deployed underwater for three months. Those chosen must ensure not only the requirements of technical capacity but also a strong mentality to be able to live underwater for many months.
The sailors’ first task after submarines submerged was to ensure there were no leaks on board.
After the submarine completely submerged, sailors’ lives took place according to the 18-hour schedule, divided into 3 shifts, each 6-hour shift includes 1 sleep shift, 1 watch shift and 1 shift. recreational activities, relaxation.
The rest of the day sailors spent on eating and drinking. Due to the enclosed space, lack of natural light, sailors have difficulty in sensing the passage of time. To them, the time on the submarine seemed to “freeze”.
According to a sailor, they basically perceive the time of day according to the type of food they are eating. If they’re getting pancakes, you know it’s morning and if they have leftovers, they know it’s midnight.
Sometimes there is not enough bed for sailors on a submarine. Therefore, there will be temporary beds placed in the torpedo room.
An actual bed inside the submarine is often called amusing a “coffin” because the space is extremely cramped.
Every space on the submarine is practically cramped. The hallway that only has 1 person to walk is no exception.
Bathrooms are arranged on a minimum on the submarine. Sometimes 40 sailors have to share 1 bathroom.
The shower should also be very small to save space for other important parts of the submarine.
However, the kitchen area on a submarine has relative priority in terms of area. Fresh foods usually go away within a few weeks. The rest of the time, the sailors will eat canned or processed food.
Without windows, sonar technology was the “eye and ear” of sailors.
Although the submarine is cramped, it still has a gym to help the sailors stay in shape.
After weeks of living inside the submarine, sailors may have the opportunity to swim, sunbathe, absorb some Vitamin D …
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