Home Cuisine Tips for making the simplest dish of dried tomatoes from a 5-star...

Tips for making the simplest dish of dried tomatoes from a 5-star restaurant chef


Making sun-dried tomatoes is easy, so why not try making a batch for ourselves.
How to choose the right dried tomatoes

When choosing the right tomatoes for drying, you should pay attention to those that are medium in size, not too juicy and necessarily red, because pink or yellow tomatoes contain more moisture. Do not give priority to tomatoes grown in the greenhouse, but prefer those grown in the garden in an open space. Of course, given the conditions of city life, this is often problematic. Therefore, it is better to solve the problem of preparing tomatoes for further drying in the summer, when there is an opportunity to buy fruits in the garden. Illustration. Ingredients for making dried tomatoes include: – 1kg of fresh tomatoes – 15ml olive oil – 5g of fine salt – A little garlic, fragrant leaves as you like 1kg of fresh tomatoes will give about 200g of dried tomatoes. Preliminary treatment – You can wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks and cut them into wedges or slices. It will taste better if you peel off the tomato skin! To marinate tomatoes, we need 2 basic ingredients: salt and olive oil. Also, if you want more flavor, you can use any seasoning you like. For example: garlic, pepper, rosemary, oregano… We put olive oil, salt and coriander leaves in the tomatoes and mix well. Marinate for 10 minutes. Drying – Arrange the tomatoes on the griddle. We will have 2 ways to dry tomatoes: Dry in the sun If you use this method, you will need to dry for about 3 days. And pay attention to good preservation, leave tomatoes in a dry place at night between drying days. Oven drying: – If you use an oven to dry, then dry it at 90 degrees Celsius for about 3-4 hours! Pay attention to the tray below, because tomatoes can bleed a lot of water during the drying process. After 1 hour of drying, the tomatoes will begin to wilt. After 2 hours, the tomatoes will start to dry again. You keep drying like this until the tomatoes reach the desired dryness! Dried tomatoes are a bit flexible plus a little fatty aroma of olive oil, so it’s very flavorful Dried tomatoes served with smoked meat and bread are delicious!