Home Travel Tourists’ funny myths about countries

Tourists’ funny myths about countries


Many tourists think Australia is always hot, because they see at Christmas people wear bikinis to swim in the sea.
A thread on Reddit with the content “travelers’ myths about the countries they have been to” has received a lot of attention from readers. Here are some of the shares that received the most attention.

Australia is always hot, because many tourists see at Christmas people wear bikinis to swim in the sea. But the truth is not so. Sydney Beach on a Christmas Day. Because it’s in the southern hemisphere, winter in Australia is summer in many other countries. Photo: AAP “Many tourists still think that Romania has vampires. Perhaps they are obsessed with the famous novel about Dracula. In fact, in 700 years, we have not seen a single vampire,” a Romanian citizen shared. “Kenyans are all track and field athletes, live in tents, don’t speak English and keep wild animals as pets,” is a misconception that foreigners have about this African country, according to the Kwnet account. “Finland does not exist. God,” shared Lawwi’s account. “I am from Serbia but people keep thinking that it is part of Russia. They are mistaken for Siberia,” said one tourist. Many people have been confused between two lands: Serbia (a country in the Balkans and Siberia (a large land of Russia, approximately the size of Canada). When someone introduced them to being from Belgium, a lot of people assumed they could speak French. In fact, the main languages ​​in Belgium are Dutch, French and German. Many tourists often confuse different European countries as one. For example, they often mistake Switzerland/Sweden, Belgium/Belarus or Slovakia/Slovenia. “Many people think Greece is just beaches and islands, and summer. But we also have beautiful places to visit in winter, like the mountains. And we also have land,” explained one Greek resident. Referring to England, many people think that they are guests who like to drink afternoon tea and love football. In fact, not all British people have this passion. “When I say I’m from Brazil, everyone thinks I know how to dance samba and am passionate about football. And Rio de Janeiro is the capital. But all three are wrong.” Many visitors mistakenly think that Canadians all drink maple syrup, there are a lot of elk and “sorry” is everyone’s catchphrase. According to Bright Side/VNE