From the agronomic characteristics of rice transplanting, as well as the nutritional needs, Van Dien specialized NPK fertilizer meets the requirements of supplying nutrients to rice plants, from transplanting to the time when the rice germinates the flower buds (Growth stage). nutrition).
Over the years, farmers northern provinces selected multi-element fertilizer (DYT) NPK Van Dien specialized in fertilizing rice crops with outstanding efficiency, the product lines of DYT NPK Van Dien fertilizer have 13 nutritional components, the ratio of nutrients depends on Depending on the type of fertilizer used for priming or for top dressing. According to local custom and also due to market demand, rice variety structure In the northern mountainous provinces, it is quite abundant: in addition to cold rice varieties such as hybrid rice, short-term pure rice KD18. Vnr20… group of semi-photosensitive rice varieties such as U17, U19, or tall sticky rice varieties; In many places, special photosensitive rice varieties are planted such as Bao Thai, yellow flower sticky rice… (Dinh Hoa – Thai Nguyen area). These are high quality rice varieties, but the percentage of flat seeds is high and it is easy to fall if lack of phosphorus and other medium and micro nutrients. From the agronomic characteristics of rice transplanting, as well as nutritional requirements, specialized NPK fertilizer Van Dien provide nutrients for rice plants, from transplanting to the time of flower differentiation (Nutritional growth stage). The fertilizer product lines DYT NPK Van Dien have all 13 nutritional ingredients Research on physiology and nutrition of rice shows that: The life of rice plants can be divided into 2 growth stages: vegetative and vegetative. The vegetative growth stage was counted from the sowing rice to the female standing rice. Crop season, this period usually lasts about 30-35 days with short-term cold varieties; (In particular, the photosensitive rice varieties must wait for a “short day”, which is close to the Bach Lo period, before the rice changes to the vegetative stage). At this stage, the roots develop in the shallow soil layer (about 3-5cm) and in the direction of spreading according to the cover of the rice leaves, when the set of rice leaves covers the row, the rice roots are also woven into the field. this period rice focus on tillering, spreading leaves, spreading sheath to make false stems, so the most nutritional needs are protein, potassium and less phosphorus and other medium and micronutrients. DYT NPK fertilizer specializing in fertilizing rice has many different formulations such as: multi-factor fertilizer NPK ( 16 :5 :17) has a content of N 16%, P2O5 5%. K2O 17% Mg 5%, SiO2 7%, CaO 8%, S 2%, etc. Currently, many places people use NPK . formula 13:3:10 +TE. These are fertilizers with high nutritional content of nitrogen, helping rice plants to lay strong, grow leaves, and grow stems. The nutrient content of potassium is quite high in the fertilizer to promote moderate tillering. In addition to the balance of NPK substances according to the needs of rice plants at tillering stage, there are also enough medium and micronutrients to help rice plants grow healthy, hard rhizomes, good resistance to pests and unfavorable environment. The stage of vegetative growth was calculated from the time of differentiation of the stem to the maturity of the rice. The long-term rice varieties have the time to stand female, while the short-term rice varieties usually do not show the time when the rice is female, but the rice plants may still have tillering but have differentiated. The time of transition to the vegetative stage is counted from when the rice leaf set is more upright, the leaves are “equal to the head” or when the rice begins to harden and round the base. From here, a second layer of roots develops into the soil layers below; When the rice plant blooms, it is the time when the trunk reaches its greatest height, the roots also go down to the plow layer and reach the greatest “depth”. Providing enough nutrients at this stage helps the process of making poles, favorable flowering, good and durable leaves and large flowers, many seeds. In addition to the micronutrients, rice plants need a lot of phosphorus and NK balance to differentiate flower sprouts, especially high silicon content to help harden the root, stem, and stand the leaves to increase resistance to pests and sugar accumulation. flour. NPK fertilizer specialized in fertilizing rice has many different formulas such as: NPK NPK 6:12:3 or NPK 5:12:3 , 10:10:5, 10:7:3 or multi factor rice fertilizer 1 specializing in fertilizing rice with sufficient and balanced nutrients NPK and micronutrients necessary for rice plants in the growing and flowering stage.
Multi-element fertilizer (DYT) NPK Van Dien specializes in fertilizing rice crops to help achieve outstanding efficiency Cultivating seasonal rice in the northern provinces with fertilizer DYT NPK Van Dien: Manuring : Depending on the foot of the field, rice variety and the amount of organic fertilizer, balance the amount of fertilizer in the crop; average about 15-20 kg / sao. High-legged fields, less rice transplanted, less fertilizer, low-lying fields, more acidic, more rice transplanted, more fertilized, especially Bao Thai rice fields, tall sticky rice trees.. need to give priority to lining fertilizer, can fertilize 20-25kg/pole. In order for the fertilizer to be mixed evenly and sent to the soil layers below, meeting the nutritional needs of the rice growing and flowering stage; manure should be spread evenly on the field before harrowing for transplanting or before the last harrowing turn; If you are worried about dehydration or loss of manure, you can spread manure right after the harrowing is completed, when the water is still cloudy and the mud is still loose. Do not apply fertilizer after the water is clear, the mud has settled. Because when the sludge is settled, the nutrients have been attached to the soil grain and sink, in the water at this time only the substances that cause acid and alum remain, which are toxic to the rice roots. Therefore, to settle the sludge, in the water for 1-2 days, remove the clear water and then sow. Dressing: .Based on the bottom of the field, the amount of NPK multi-factor fertilizer applied as a primer and the growth situation of each rice variety that fertilizes seasonal rice as follows: – Thickly transplanted rice fields, large transplanted fields, low-lying fields… Fertilize about 8-12 kg / pole. – The fields are fertile, high, or dehydrated. High yielding rice varieties need to be fertilized about 12-15kg/sao. -The swampy fields, Bao Thai rice fields, tall sticky rice, or other easy-to-fall rice varieties… reduce the amount of fertilizer, (you can even remove fertilizer) and should only fertilize when transplanting. 7-10 days. – Particularly, the foot of the field is high and rapid, the rice variety is hard-bodied, the fertilizer is applied twice: 60-70% of the fertilizer is applied when the rice is ready to burn, and the rest of the fertilizer is applied. To reduce fertilizer loss due to evaporation, leaching or leaching, etc., fertilizer should not be applied when it is hot and when the field is full of water. Fertilizer should be applied when it is cool and the field is dry.
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