Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs always wear an outfit to save time every day.
According to the Elite Daily , we are wasting too much time choosing clothes or frivolous details for the new day. One outfit won’t change the world, it can even cause problems in the workplace if it doesn’t fit.
GQ Mexico reported that many successful men dress alike. They often simplify their decisions by building minimalist habits. Here are the reasons why successful people wear the same thing. Waste less time Entrepreneurs have a lot to deal with during the day. Instead of pondering for 5-10 minutes for the look, they choose simple items such as t-shirts, dark turtlenecks with jeans and sneakers. Steve Jobs is one of the most influential people in the computer industry. The familiar outfit of the former Apple CEO is a black turtleneck, blue jeans and New Balance sneakers. This quickly became his signature look as well as part of the brand. Steve Jobs chose a simple set of clothes to save time at work. Photo: GQ Mexico. Save gray matter Former President Barack Obama said in an interview with Vanity Fair : “You need to focus your decision-making energy. What you have to do every day to be successful is to always improve yourself and avoid being distracted by trivia.” Inc says that when you build minimalist fashion, you reduce your daily anxiety and focus on growing your work.
Mr. Obama chose minimalist colors to be able to speak confidently in any situation. Photo: Business Insider. Make life simple Fashion has a wide range of items and styles to suit everyone. If you choose simple designs, soft materials, you will always feel comfortable and confident. The vast majority of us are obsessed with material things and the way people look at us. In fact, buying a new pair of shoes may make you feel more confident, but it won’t enrich your life in the long run. Similar to Steve Jobs, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg only appeared with a gray or blue T-shirt and dark jeans. “I want to free up my life to focus on making the necessary decisions for work,” he shared with GQ Mexico.
Minimizing clothes every day helps entrepreneurs simplify their lives. Photo: The Verge.
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