The Covid-19 pandemic made many areas of the world never again, including the nightlife, resulting from a change in people’s thinking.
According to the The Guardian The Covid-19 pandemic made many people afraid of the virus. This anxiety can ultimately have a lasting effect, meaning they are likely never going to the mall without wearing a mask or trying food by hand in public.
Likewise, the lifestyle changes will definitely take a while to return to normal nightlife, The List identify. According to experts, bars and nightclubs are among the most unhygienic places that people visit, both before and after the global pandemic broke out. “There is a good reason for the nightclubs to be the first and last blockade in the war with Covid-19,” said Dr. Paul McKay of Imperial College London (UK). Also follow Vogue In a pandemic, going to a bar is possibly the most dangerous thing anyone can do. Nightlife probably takes a long time to get back to normal. Photo: Cassidy Anthony / Shutterstock. Although bars and nightclubs can be unsanitary places to relax on weekends, the Covid-19 does not make them disappear forever. In fact, many countries are discussing options to safely revive the nightlife. After a series of stringent Covid-19 blockades and epidemics, New Zealand was able to reorganize live entertainment, according to the report. ABC News. Notable techno clubs in Berlin (Germany) also have a short time to reopen to serve entertainment needs. However, these places were subsequently closed due to fears that the Covid-19 wave would flare up again, according to the report Vogue. However, the above cases give people hope for the future of bars and nightclubs, as well as a glimpse of the future prospects of a safe nightlife. In Germany, for example, this means no dancing, eating, or drinking in close proximity and of course, masks are required. According to the CNN , the Production Club (based in Los Angeles, USA) creates The Micrashell, the N95 body kit and helmet, which can be worn over casual clothing, which they believe that will make nightlife much safer. Miguel Risuenõ, the creative director of this entertainment venue, believes such costumes will become the prevailing trend in the coming years. They not only provide protection, but are also designed for nightclub fashions and “bounce”.
House of Yes nightclub in New York City, USA before the outbreak of Covid-19. Photo: Kenny Rodriguez / SMH. Another option for a safe nightlife might simply be to bring nightclubs and bars to a larger space. This approach has been tested in many places, such as in Slovakia, where people dance in their own spaces outdoors, equipped with Mix Mag called “social out party”. The nightlife may never return like it was in the pre-Covid-19 era, but according to it The List, there is reason to believe the sector’s future will be safer and cleaner.
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