If you design the wardrobe to your needs, you can maximize space and make your storage more functional.
Get everything out
You won’t be able to tidy up your clothes without knowing what to organize. “Usually, people choose to design their wardrobe based on what they want, not what they need,” said Hanna Baxter, interior director at cleaning company Horderly Professional Organizing. Before buying cabinets, you need to shape exactly what you want to put in it. “You need to take everything out, divide it by categories, review each category and get rid of the unnecessary things” – Baxter advised. Illustration. Create more storage space If it seems like you still have too much to put in your bedroom wardrobe, consider whether some of them could be stored elsewhere. “If your family is the kind of family where everyone takes off their shoes when entering the door, you probably need a wardrobe to hold coats and shoes rather than dedicating the space of your main wardrobe to your main closet. Something like that, ”suggested Baxter. The easiest thing to do is buy a drawer for your bedroom. However, make sure you don’t waste space in your wardrobe.
Illustration. Design the storage space A basic wardrobe with a single hanger and a high shelf is not very useful. You should put more suspension bars, more rack, you can store more items in an orderly way. When you open your closet, you should feel as good as walking into a store. “You want to be able to see everything you own neatly, not a piled mess,” said Carolyn Musher, vice president of wardrobe design firm California Closets in New York. Most bulky things like sweaters and jeans should be folded and stacked on shelves, but underwear, socks, pajamas and T-shirts can be kept in a drawer. Shelves should be at least 30 cm deep, ideally between 35 and 40 cm. Wardrobe shelves can incorporate multiple depths, said Courtney Lomonaco, chief executive of a storage company. The high shelf is difficult to access, so it only needs to be 30 cm deep and the lower shelf is easy to pick up, so it needs to be 40 cm deep. Make space for shoes and bags Your shoes don’t need to be piled on the floor or in a box. Putting them in rows on a shelf will make things tidy while at the same time making it easier to find what you want. Bags can also be stored in rows on shelves. You should buy more plastic to prevent the bag from spilling.
Illustration. Add functional accessories In the closet, you can attach a sliding hook system to hang your belt and tie. In the drawer, place the divider boxes so that underwear and socks do not mix together. The back of the cabinet door is often forgotten, but can become a place to hang the mirror or store small, light items such as accessories, hats. The back of the door is the minimum space that can be used to mount a full-length mirror or add storage space. Fillip Hord, a founder of Horderly said: “There are a lot of systems out there where you can put your shoes behind the doors or put in extra accessories like hats, which really helps to free up some more. space inside the closet ”.
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