The ancient cities of India, China, Italy… are now lying on the bottom of the sea, lakes and carrying in them impressive historical stories.
Dwarka City, India: Dwarka is in the harbor area of Dwarka city, Gujarat state, India, located at a depth of 21.3m. This city was built between 9,000 and 12,000 years ago. This place used to be a flourishing city because of the remnants of the foundation, walls, sandstone steps and the remaining network of streets and seaports. The most notable structures are the ruins of temples dating from the reign of King Pallava, 7th century BC. Lion City, Lake Tiandao, China: The Lion City was built during the Eastern Han period (circa 25-200) at the foot of the Five Lions Mountain. When China carried out the project to build the Tan An dam at Tiandao Lake in 1959, the city was submerged under water. In this city before it was flooded, 290,000 people were displaced from the place where their ancestors lived for 1,300 years. The structure is believed to be a miniature version of the city of Atlantis and is part of a collection of miniature versions of the wonders of the world in China.
Baiae City, Italy: Once considered the Las Vegas of the Roman Empire, Baiae city was considered a resort for the rich in ancient times. 1,700 years ago it began to sink into the waters of the Gulf of Naples, Italy. In the 8th century, Saracen troops occupied Baiae, by 1500 the city was deserted and most of the ancient ruins were submerged in the shallow waters of a bay near the Naples range.
Pavlopetri, Greece: Pavlopetri was a prosperous port city of the Mediterranean region for many centuries. Located off the southern Greek island of Laconia, Pavlopetri was formed during the Mycenaean period, dating to about 1600-1150 BC. Currently, this city still has the foundation of buildings, streets, temples and about 37 stone tombs.
Yonaguni Ancient Ruins, Japan: This is one of the mysterious sites on Yonaguni Island in Okinawa Japan, which may be up to 10,000 years old. In the 1980s, divers found stone platforms with a stepped-like structure with flat surfaces and clear angles that resonated in the scientific world later. This monument is also known as “Atlantis of Japan”.
Antirhodos City, Alexandria, Egypt: This ancient underwater island is believed to have been submerged by an earthquake around the 4th century and was found in 1996 near the harbor of Alexandria. Explorers have found a marble palace in the 3rd century BC, believed to have belonged to Cleopatra’s time, along with some jewelry, traces of ancient cargo ships, stone houses and wells.
Atlit-Yam, Israel: Atlit-Yam was formed in the Neolithic period (7,550-8,000 years ago), is a densely populated area along the coast of Carmel. The city was completely destroyed by a tsunami but today visitors can still see the remains of the foundations of houses, roads and wells. Here also found about 65 sets of adult and child remains.
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