The fire was extinguished with water, so the clues were long gone, but this forensic expert was still able to unmask the culprit.
Master Tong Tu has four times held the position of prison sentence (equivalent to the position of provincial judicial judge). Working in practice for a long time, he clearly saw that most of the contemporary officials not only lack forensic knowledge and experience in criminal justice, but also recklessly judge judgments and disregard human life, thus creating many unjust crimes. .
Seeing this situation, Tong Tu felt uneasy, so he brought all the accumulated experience for a long time to write the book series “Cleaning Oan Tap Luc”. In the book “Tai Oan Tap Luc” there are many unbelievable cases of injustice in an era where technology has not yet developed. Was the victim suffocated in the fire or burned after death? One night in 1238, a fire in the western suburbs destroyed the entire house. After the fire was extinguished, residents discovered a charred body in it. The dead man was originally a builder who had no grudge against anyone in the village. Upon receiving the report of the crime, Tong Tu prison immediately went to the scene. During the autopsy, Master Tong Tu noticed that the corpse had many abnormalities. Moreover, next to the body, the victim intentionally left an autograph written with only one word “Fill” . By using vinegar and alcohol, Tong Tu found traces of the perpetrator’s crime. (Photo: Sohu) Although burned black, but the dead person’s throat is completely clean, there is no soot, based on the principle that if a living person encounters a fire, in the process of breathing will often accidentally inhale a lot of smoke and dust. the dead do not. Therefore, he confirmed the victim was burned after death. Although the fire was extinguished with water, the clues were long gone, but Tong Tu had his own thoughts. He decided to examine it again and found that the dead body had a wound, like being stabbed with a knife. This fatal wound caused the victim to die, then someone set fire to destroy the evidence.
Vinegar has the effect of dissolving blood stains, proving that the victim has been killed and then burned. (Photo: Sohu) Master Song Tu ordered his subordinates to clean up the scene, sweep away the dust where the victim’s body was found, and then poured white vinegar and wine on the ground. Just a moment, after the wine and vinegar had evaporated, there was indeed a streak of blood on the floor. Indeed, the victim was stabbed to death, but who committed the crime? According to traditional Chinese medicine, vinegar is warm and has the effect of removing blood stasis, promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling and detoxifying. As for the explanation of modern science, vinegar has the ability to dissolve animal proteins. Therefore, in this case, Master Tong Tu took advantage of the properties of vinegar to affect the hematoma at the scene, causing it to dissolve and appear. The truth is revealed Based on the evidence, Song Xu suspects that the killer is definitely related to the word “Dien” that the victim tried to save at the scene. But with just one word “Fill” how to determine if the victim is targeting the name or something of the offender?
After comparing the knife wounds, Tong Tu concluded that the victim had been stabbed to death. (Photo: Sohu) Song Tu sends a head to investigate the relationships surrounding the builder. Clues began to appear, and the head reported that before his death, the victim had come to help a rich man in the village to build a wall. Immediately after the completion of the work, this builder died. At this time, Tong Tu put his doubts on this incident, he looked more closely and discovered that the housekeeper of the rich house was named Dien That , is similar to the word “Fill” that the victim saved. He ordered a search of Tian Qi’s house and found a bloody dagger. Although Tian Qi insisted on arguing, when comparing the wound on the body, it completely coincided with his knife. After interrogation, Dien That admitted that he killed the builder under the orders of the rich man. As it turned out, that year there was a famine, in order to help the poor, Tong Tu Dai proposed to his superiors the plan of using rice from the rich in the village to distribute to everyone. The rich man devised a plan to hire people to build a wall to block the granary because he did not want to divide the rice among the people. But when the victim finished building, the rich man was afraid of revealing the story, so he sent the housekeeper to kill the man and silence him. So, thanks to the application of profound medical knowledge combined with keen observation, Master Tong Tu once again successfully solved the case and exonerated the dead. Simultaneously with this discovery, he contributed significantly to the next generation with many suggestions to find evidence to impeach many perpetrators.
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