Chicken dishes occupy a particularly important place in the Vietnamese tray. And also it can transform that tray into a luxurious tray, or make a simple daily meal attractive.
Indispensable dish During the pandemic influenza A crisis, eating and selling poultry has been almost restricted. Any house with a deck at that time was quite difficult because I had to think about how to replace chicken with other dishes. At that time, boiled chicken – a dish of indestructible reputation – was replaced with all kinds of seafood, lobster, crab, squid … However, its “shadow” was too big, almost impossible to fill. . That emptiness was later posted by comedians Tu Long and Xuan Bac happily, “Meeting at the end of the year”: “A good meal must have chicken / Men must have a woman to be happy.” Boiled chicken is the first must-mention dish. The house has an unexpected guest that must buy a chicken to treat. Children from far away visit their hometown, parents go to the garden to catch chickens for meat. Can’t think of anything to eat, bring the chicken to the market to boil, and cook the vermicelli is done. It is a dish that simply says it is very simple, but complex is also super technical, super … confusing. Cutting chicken blood requires a pot of boiling water available next to it to make feathers. Chicken feathers are easier to handle than duck and goose feathers. After that, anyone who knew how to perform surgery would open it up, otherwise they would open it up. Chicken making is generally not for fumblers. If you know what to do, then it’s done, if you are clumsy, then half a day is still… very messy. Now convenient, to the market everything from blood cutting, hair removal, pecking according to buyers, to cleaning of the gizzard is also available. Even so, if the chicken is hired, the chicken can still be close to the salt, just about cooking. In the city there is no captive place, so “catastrophic” especially relatives in the countryside come to play and carry chickens. Locking on the balcony is also not possible, but locking in the bathroom is not done. As a result, the meat can be eaten, even if it can’t be brought to the market, rented for slaughter, and then refrigerated. It’s easy to boil the chicken, that is to say, just pour the boiled water until the chicken is cooked, why not? Are not! No. of course! Mothers in the old days often “scrutinize” their future daughters-in-law by boiling chickens. Chicken is boiled but the skin should be intact and golden in color. So just a little hard boiled, the skin will be broken, but if the heat is low, the meat will still be red inside. Therefore, the good reputation is far and away, in Hanoi there are rows of boiled chicken “indescribably delicious”. In addition to choosing authentic hill chickens, these owners have the secret of boiling crispy chicken with a reputation. That’s why, every profession has Poinsettia that’s why. Boiled chicken is suitable with lemon salt, but many people like to crush boiled blood pieces and add them. If you do not use the dipping sauce for boiled chicken, you can also add pepper sauce. Chicken broth, adding a little spring onions is possible into soup. Chicken heart is stir-fried with bean sprouts, the meal just needs to be 8-9 points. If you do not eat rice, you will eat vermicelli. Chicken vermicelli cooked outside of the restaurant seems complicated by adding one after another, but cooking at home is simple. Chicken is boiled tightly on plate or filtered off bone. Clean chicken heart, chopped, stir-fried with shiitake mushrooms, grow atrium. Chicken broth is available, soaked in soft vermicelli before. Carefully divide the bowl, add the chicken heart, sprinkle the onion and fill with the broth. When the family gets upset, when the pot of broth is boiling and rolling, let the chicken heart just stir-fry, drop the vermicelli and add onions, the scent of the chopped boat has a pot of delicious vermicelli.
Creativity of cuisine If you don’t like boiled chicken, what else is there? Ginger roasted chicken is a familiar dish of the North people. Chopped chicken, fish sauce, salt, and pepper, put on the island to hunt. If you want tender meat, add a little bit of water to simmer, beat a piece of ginger and add it to be very fragrant. Also at home, in addition to ginger, the addition of dried onions also makes the dish more fragrant. The memories of the 7x, 8x generation in Hanoi are closely related to the fried chicken dish. Back then, many families raised chickens. Whenever I saw the chicken nodding and nodding, the whole family agreed to “be ruffled” and pulled it out to meat. Making this “clinical diagnosis” needs to be quick and decisive, otherwise the chicken will become … a big chicken. The fried chickens are rarely boiled because if they are boiled, of course they will not be delicious. Only roasted turmeric, or even turmeric with ginger, it was both fragrant and drowned out the scent of chicken. In general, when the chicken is ruffled, it is still golden and fragrant. The children back then often wished: “If only the chickens cut out a few to eat meat.” Now, life is more complete, seeing chicken is afraid, careful not to return H5N1, H1N1 does not know. Yesterday, a friend of North origin but living in the South suddenly picked up the phone and asked how to make fried chicken? After listening to the instructions very carefully the recipe, she continued asking: “Do you need to add more garlic?”. Oh good! How to get garlic when roasting chicken? But no, it seems that it is the familiar cooking style of the person in it. Each region has its own way of processing, suitable to their taste. Lemongrass roasted chicken is also an example.
If you don’t like roasting chicken, what else can you do? This dish is a bit complicated, and to cook it takes quite a bit of effort and time. It is pumpkin stewed chicken. The ingredients of course are chicken and chicken, the more standard they are because industrial chickens are usually tender, cooking pumpkin is not suitable. Chicken cut to taste, seasoned with fish sauce, salt, main noodles, pepper and crushed lemongrass. If you want a beautiful and eye-catching dish, you need a big pumpkin, cut off the stem and then empty the inside, drop the chicken inside the pumpkin and cover it, put it in a steam bath (to make this dish, the house must have big seats, because the pumpkin is already big.) Just steaming for an hour, the pumpkin is cooked, the chicken inside is also cooked, the chicken produces water by itself without adding anything. This dish is very nutritious, suitable for families with children and people in need of fostering health. If you don’t have big pits, you can just cook the chicken, and when it’s close, add more pumpkins. And remember, after all, it will be crushed.
After the chicken stew is chicken with sweet and sour sauce, this dish children love to eat. Chicken chopped pieces, marinated, fried until golden brown. Prepare a mixture of crushed garlic and purple onions, vinegar, sugar, fish sauce, if eaten spicy, add chili. When the chicken is golden, pour the mixture into a simmer, until the sauce is finished. This dish is eaten with rice very well when it is cold. There are also countless other simple recipes in the family. For example, when I was lazy to not cook rice, I bought a chicken and put it in a stew pot with a pinch of rice. Just cook everything up to get a delicious porridge pot. More complicated than the salt-roasted chicken. To complicate matters, chicken with lotus seeds, wormwood, will, ginseng, and goji berries. Then, grilled chicken got sicken, grilled chicken with lemongrass, roasted chicken, chicken with salt … In recent years, there has been a trend of eating chicken feet, from grilled chicken feet to pickled chicken feet, mango, lemongrass. Bored, then switch to boneless chicken legs or chicken leg salad. In general, people style chicken as a national dish.
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