How many of the items listed below have you owned before?
At each point, young people create their own trends and entertainment. If now, most of them revolve around Facebook, Tik Tok, and Instagram, in the old days when technology was not popular, that was when toys and souvenirs took the throne.
Referring to objects associated with childhood 8x teen girls, 9x heads, there are countless things to tell. But the most prominent that almost everyone has at least heard or owned, must mention the following items. Let’s take a look at a colorful past of the 8x, 9x generation girls! The familiar sheets of paper once made teen girls save money to buy them.
Those are the folded pieces of paper! The girls in the old days could sit for hours to arrange hundreds of stars without getting tired.
Not less prosperous than that star is the paper crane. 90% of teen girls that day knew how to fold paper cranes.
The whole collection of colorful stencils to decorate diaries, guestbook writing, missing any color is just a shortfall.
Once upon a time, all 9x teen girl’s objects had Monokuro Boo pictures, from book covers, notebooks to rulers, hairpins …
One of the old trends was the game of buying strings and then tying oneself like this.
The paper doll collection is a toy that almost every girl owns.
This lock-type diary once filled with many young girls’ sorrow.
Despite the tiny box that stores a lot of things, which are paper cranes, paper copies, lucky money or even jewelry.
A sticker of 500 dong is a delightful sticker with all kinds of characters that used to be the favorite decoration of many teen girls.
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