Home Cuisine Herbal medicine from fish balls tonics kidney, helps balance, nourishes blood vessels

Herbal medicine from fish balls tonics kidney, helps balance, nourishes blood vessels


Fish balls are also known as fish balls, mermaids, fish sharks, etc. Fish balls of large fish such as fried fish, sturgeon, groundnut, sugar fish, large goldfish in the sea, pangasius, pangasius in fish areas soft drinks … are processed as medicine and high-quality food in terms of nutrition.
Fish balls are rich in colloidal protid (gelatin), containing lipids, sugars, trace elements and vitamins… According to Oriental medicine, fish balls are sweet, average; into the Kidney. Uses kidney and kidney tonification, nourishing blood vessels, only blood, dissolving congestion and draining. Treatment of spermatorrhea, spermatogenesis, vomiting blood, hemoptysis, tetanus convulsion, haemorrhage, gonorrhea hemorrhoids, hemorrhagic defecation. Daily use 9 – 50g; by cooking, stewing, sautéing, frying. Here are some healing menus with fish balls.

Fish balls of some large fish such as fried fish, sturgeon, groundnut, sugar fish, etc. are high-grade food and used as medicine. Used for people with gonorrhea, bloody stools : Fish ball 30g, white sugar 60g. Processed fish balls, sugar dissolved in water, both boiled in water until cooked. Eat once a day, continuously for 7-10 days. Used for women with leukoplakia, menorrhagia, menstrual irregularities: Processed fish balls 150g toasted to golden brown, finely powdered, 15-30g each time, mixed with 2 chicken eggs, steamed or fried. When eating, drink with warm water mixed with a little alcohol. Use 5 – 7 days Used for women with low back pain, white blood, poor appetite due to kidney failure: Fish ball 50g, sticky rice 50g. Fish balls are washed, soaked in ginger water mixed with alcohol, chopped, cooked with porridge, and added spices. Complementary kidney: Fish ball 30g, goji berry 30g, rice 50g. Cook porridge, use 15-30 days. Supplementing kidney, nourishing blood, sedating: Fish ball 30g, longan 30g, lotus seed 30g, rice 50g. Cook porridge. Fish ball cooked with lotus seed porridge, big apple goji berry (fish ball cooked with five flavors) has the effect of nourishing the kidneys, nourishing blood, and sedating. Helpful kidney supplement : 30g fish ball, 20g three sizes, 10g multiplier benefits, 10g goji berries, 2g birth, 3 big apples. Shredded big apple, add water, all stew for 3 hours. Eat during the day. Useful kidney supplement: 60g fish ball, 60g pecans, 20g sa lily, 3 big apples, 2g ginger. Shredded big apple, put it in a cloth bag, add water, and stew for 3 hours. Eat during the day. Intentional kidney supplement- Cure kidney damage, back pain, dizziness: 30g fish ball, 10g multiplier, 15g lotus root, 5 slices ginger, 60g lean pork. Add water, simmer, add spices. Eat during the day. Replenish spleen and kidney, treat back pain: Fish ball 10g, chicken breast bone, 0.5kg chicken head, neck or leg, 200g crab meat, 2 eggs, 100g tapioca starch, seasoning seeds, onion, coriander, pepper powder. Stew chicken bones with about 2.5 liters of water, then filter the bones, add seasoning seeds to the broth to taste. Soaked fish balls, drained, diced. Crab meat mixed with onion, little pepper powder and oil, stir well. Place fish balls and crab meat in a pot of broth, cook thoroughly. Mix tapioca flour with a little cold water into the soup, stir well, bring to a boil. Beat eggs, pour into soup, stir well. Pour soup into bowls, sprinkle with finely chopped coriander and pepper. Serve hot, make an appetizer soup. Fish ball soup with crab meat as an appetizer. Effect of kidney spleen and back pain treatment. Cure spermatozoa, spermatozoa, hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, bloody stools Fish balls 50g, 3 sausages, 1 bell pepper, green onions, 1/3 tbsp white wine, 1 bulb garlic and spices. Fish ball washed, soaked in ginger and wine, squeezed juice into pieces; sausage, sliced ​​chili; Wash and cut onions short. Fried fish ball golden, take out to dry. Garlic is smashed, chopped, non-aromatic, fried in sausages, added cashews, chili and cinnamon apricot wine, seasoned seeds to taste, fried fish balls, onions on the island quickly, turn off the stove. Appetizers, kidney function. Taboo: People with digestive disorders, diarrhea, low phlegm should not use. Note: Choose an opaque white or light yellow fish ball, dry, with a characteristic crunchy hardness. Avoid buying dark yellow, wet, moldy or strong fishy smell. Do not buy a lot to reserve because fish balls are easy to mold. When processing, wash, soak fish balls in ginger water mixed with a little white wine to remove the fishy smell.