Home Beauty Fashion How to choose the “non-greasy” hairstyle for original boys?Try these 6 cool...

How to choose the “non-greasy” hairstyle for original boys?Try these 6 cool short haircuts, suitable for spring and summer cuts


Boys want their image to look sunny and confident, so a stylish and handsome hairstyle is essential. When cutting hair, many boys do not pay attention to whether the style is suitable for them, and cut the hairstyles that are not suitable for them, resulting in a particularly greasy image.

The hair style of the pot is too stuffy and the oily hair style is too round. How should boys choose a “non-greasy” hairstyle? Today, Abe recommends 6 particularly refreshing short haircuts for everyone, so that you can easily get rid of greasy feeling after cutting, which is very suitable for spring and summer.

01. The hair is turned up, highlighting the charm of personality

If the boy’s hair is too flat, the whole person will look unspirited, and it will be more attractive if the hair is turned up.

  • Aircraft hair style

Among the many hairstyles for boys, the airplane hair style is a special domineering style, and it has a special charm when it is created. The main feature of the airplane hair style is that the hair in the front area of ​​the head makes an upward curling effect, which makes the whole person particularly energetic. For boys with thicker hair, this hairstyle is easier to style, and the style is also easy to collapse, suitable for most boys to cut.

  • Short airplane hairstyle

Among the airplane hair styles, you can also subdivide some short hair airplane head styles, which are slightly shorter in length, but the handsomeness is not reduced at all. Cut the hair very short first, and then leave the hair in the top area a little longer. Use wax to pick up the hair and properly grab some texture. Although the hair is relatively short, it does not lose the domineering feeling of a plane-style hair. , But also more youthful and neat.

02. Cut the hair very short to create a refreshing image

The shorter the hair of boys, the more powerful the appearance, and the crisp short hair makes you look completely non-greasy.

  • Short chestnut hair type

For boys, short hair may be the standard answer. No boy can refuse the refreshing feeling brought by short hair. The chestnut hair style is one of the most popular styles in the past two years. The hair on both sides is cut cleanly, and the bangs on the forehead are also cut very short, and it creates a certain degree of curvature. The overall look is very age-reducing. Handsomeness is indispensable.

  • Inch hair type

Inch hair style is definitely an indispensable style for boys in spring and summer, and it is also the perfect choice for men to get rid of greasy feeling. Cut all the hair to an extremely short length, leaving only the slightly longer length of the top area. The sides and the top of the head form obvious excesses. The layering is very good, and the facial features are clearly displayed, and the whole person’s face value becomes More trendy and handsome.

03. Pour the hair back to create a fluffy effect

If you want your hairstyle to be non-greasy, you should try to make your hair three-dimensional and fluffy, so that it looks more comfortable.

  • Side split back hair type

In men’s hairstyles, not all back hair styles are greasy, as long as the style is not so docile and not so flat, there will be no greasy feeling. Although the side-split back hair type above is also a type of back hair type, the shaved sides and the fluffy hair give people a very refreshing feeling, and they also appear to be particularly sunny and confident.

  • Both sides shovel wolf rush hair type

The same is to comb the hair back, this style pays more attention to the overall shape, and the hair in the top area grabs the texture, which is especially fashionable. The two sides create a gradual effect, this style immediately looks magnificent, and at the same time it does not appear greasy at all. If you don’t like the hair to be too short, you might as well try this look.

If you don’t know how to choose a “non-greasy” hairstyle, then try these 6 refreshing short haircuts above, which are especially suitable for spring and summer cuts.