The greasy, fragrant pate served with bread, sticky rice, or hot rice is ‘standard without adjustment’. However, during the epidemic season and food safety issues, housewives do not dare to buy pate outside.
If you only make pate to eat, you can learn the recipe below from Hoa Lavender, a Hai Phong native who is currently living in Ho Chi Minh City. Ms. Hoa said that she was lucky to be born in Hai Phong – where there are many delicious dishes such as crab cakes, spring rolls, pate bread, che flat, banh beo, pillow cakes, bui din, crab spring rolls .. . Cooking is not her forte, but since moving to the South – there are no dishes from her homeland, so Hoa has to tinker and learn by herself. Cooking became a habit, fell in love with cooking from there. Miss Flowers Lavender. “The snack of Hai Phong, perhaps I remember the longest in my memory is Khanh Nap pate bread on Hang Kenh street. That was almost 30 years ago, when I was in middle school, I used to eat there with them. with you” – the mother shared. According to Ms. Hoa, if you want to make good pate, the ingredients need to be fresh. She often goes to the market early in the morning to choose fresh and delicious liver and meat. If you also like pate but are in the epidemic season or want to “score” with everyone, you can learn how to cook Hoa Lavender below: Resources: (The finished product is about 1 kg of pate) 500g dragon’s head pork shoulder (shoulder with fat makes it more delicious) 300g pork liver 200 ml of fresh milk without sugar (for liver detoxification) 2 pieces of cheese Laughing cow 200g pork skin 250g portion fat 1 tablespoon white wine noodle soup rượu 10 dried onions 1/2 small onion 1 bulb of garlic Just enough pepper (for the whole grain) 1 tablespoon oyster sauce 1 tablespoon fish sauce noodle Just enough soup powder 1 piece of bread with intestines to remove fishy for the liver and increase the stickiness of the pate. Making
The liver is washed, sliced, poured 100ml of fresh milk in and soaked for 15 minutes to remove fishy and toxic.. 1. Liver washed, sliced, poured 100ml of fresh milk into 15 minutes to remove fishy and toxic. When choosing a liver, you have to keep a few things in mind: A healthy animal liver has a dark red or light purple color. It feels soft and smooth to the touch. Use your index finger to press on the liver surface, the liver will concave and keep the indentation when withdrawing the finger. In contrast, the livers of infected cattle often change color to brick, yellow or silver-white. The liver of animals infected with infectious diseases is often mushy like mud, absolutely do not use this liver, must be destroyed.
The bread is torn into small pieces, watered with 100ml of fresh milk to soften. 2. Shredded bread core, watered with 100ml fresh milk to soften. Has the effect of reducing fishy for the liver and increasing the stickiness of the pate. 3. Clean skin, boiled soft. Remove the liver and wash it. Boiled skin is also washed.
Remove 50g of fat, diced and boiled. The remaining 200g cut into large pieces to line the bottom of the bowl for steaming. 4. Remove 50g of fat, diced and then boiled. The remaining 200g cut into large pieces to line the bottom of the bowl for steaming. 5. Chop the skin into small pieces and grind it with meat, liver, cheese and bread intestines until smooth.
Put the meat and liver mixture on the island. 6. Put the pan on the stove. Add the chopped onion, garlic, and onion to the pan. Put the meat and liver mixture on the island. Season to taste. North to the kitchen. Sprinkle pepper. Add wine for aroma and to remove fishy liver. (Now you can feel the taste of the pate! If you taste it medium, or salty, adjust it from now on).
Pour the mixture into the blender again until smooth. 7. Pour the whole mixture into the blender again until smooth. Add fat and mix well. Then pour into a large bowl, line the bottom with fat so that when upside down to create a beautiful shape, eat the fat leopard!
8. Fill the steamer with water for 3 to 5 hours if it is a regular steamer and depends on the amount of pate you make! If steamed with a pressure cooker, only 2 hours is just delicious! (Pour water below, put steaming bowl on top).
Put foil on top and cover the pot to prevent water from falling on the pate when steaming. Finished products: Smooth, fatty, delicious paste! Shelf life: Refrigerate for 1 week and freeze for several months. Good luck!
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