Famous Food-blogger – Ms. Phan Anh Esheep has taught you how to freeze, preserve garlic, chili, and minced onions to use gradually, make once, eat for a whole month and still keep the same taste as new.
Referring to food-bloggers in Vietnam, the first name that many people remember is Phan Anh Esheep. On the culinary forum, Ms. Phan Anh instructed her sisters on how to freeze and preserve garlic, chili, and ground onions for use gradually with a very simple tip.
“Make use of the ice cube trays with lid! Pre-ground onions, garlic and chili peppers, freezing the members are very convenient to use, each time you stir-fry, take out 1-2 pieces is enough to stir-fry, cook, make fried onions and garlic, do not rust anything It’s also convenient. You can make garlic balls, separate onion balls, or mix onions – garlic; onions, garlic and chili.”, Phan Anh shared her tip. Ms. Phan Anh also noted, these pellets do not need to be defrosted before cooking, just drop the pellets into the pot and pan, and it will fall apart right away! Tastes as good as freshly peeled. There is no need to soak in any vinegar because not all dishes need oil and vinegar. Sometimes it is necessary to marinate grilled meat, for example. Ms. Phan Anh also meticulously instructs her sisters how to freeze in the refrigerator to avoid odors. Peel onions and garlic. After peeling, wash it, let it dry completely before putting it in a small blender. If there is water, when making the pellets, they will stick together, making it difficult to chip when processing.
You can grind garlic, chili, and onion separately or mix garlic, chili, and onion together for easy processing. Ms. Phan Anh made 2 trays: 1 tray of garlic and onions and 1 tray of garlic and chili
One spicy tray, one non-spicy tray for convenience!
Put in ice trays with lids! Lightly compress it to “mold” it and then put it in the freezer
About 3-4 hours later, these pellets begin to harden slightly, then remove, put in sealed boxes, continue to freeze! Done, just use it!
Phan Anh’s house “onions and garlic” saves a lot of time when cooking.
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