Home Science Human potential and metaphysical science

Human potential and metaphysical science


On the morning of April 11, 2021, at the guest house of the High Command of the Capital’s Military Region (99 Le Duan, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi), there was a scientific seminar on ‘Human potential and metaphysical science’. Attending the seminar were Lieutenant General Huu Uoc, Prof. Phan Anh, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ngoc Quyen, Prof. Dao Vong Duc, Dr. Nguyen Manh Hai, Dr. Mai Thanh Hai, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Diep, Dr. Nguyen Dang Quang, Dr. Luong Chi Thanh … with a large number of guests and researchers interested in the field of human potential.

Workshop scene.

Prof. Phan Anh reiterated that metaphysical science (Metaphysics) is the scientific field that studies metaphysical phenomena, in which there are many phenomena that appear in social life that people have ever met but did not. It can be explained with the foundations of classical science or traditional science. For example phenomena are related to the existence of consciousness after life (the soul?). Because of inexplicability, people are born with doubts about how real these phenomena are, how their origin governs them, or paranoia, from which trends appear:

1 / Reject and seek to explain by applying science but not enough scientific reasoning and not enough scientific evidence to convince, for example considering the existence of consciousness after life as “residual radiation. “.

2 / Believe but lack certain understanding, do not select information, get caught up in the facts, become superstitious

3 / Research to find out the characteristics and laws governing metaphysical phenomena in order to understand, explain the phenomena and deduce the “messages” behind the phenomena to have a way. behave, do not get caught up in the phenomenon like “superstitious” people.

It can be seen that there is a very thin boundary between Metaphysical Science and Superstition, and it takes great alertness to discern and acknowledge. For many years, a special ability of some people has been observed, including psychic abilities in many forms such as event prediction; receive information from the invisible realm; communicating with the deceased; plays a mediating role in the communication between tangible and intangible … Thus, those with special abilities can bridge the tangible and intangible and can therefore make important contributions to the research. practice some problems of metaphysical science. Some of these problems are:

  • Whether or not, the existence of a space other than the tangible space that people are living and perceived by the common senses (invisible world).

  • Yes or not, the existence of another conscious form and retains human information after life ceases (soul?)

  • The role and influence of cultural and spiritual activities in social life such as worshiping, worshiping and using votive. Do’s and Don’ts.

  • The characteristics and laws of the metaphysical world are drawn from the practical observation of phenomena that often occur in social life and the problem of decoding messages …

Professor Dao Vong Duc (former Director of the Institute of Physics, former director of the Center for Human Potential Research) has a speech “Inner nowhere and conveying spiritual interaction through the approach from contemporary physics. great ”. In the speech, there are some notable points. He recalled the history of scientific development that showed that great inventions were obtained not only on pure reason and logic, but also by aesthetic sensitivities and the support of intuition factors. The connotation of “intuition” is to have the Buddhahood “Salvation of Nirvana” in Buddhist terminology.

Studying the micro-subatomic world together with the forms of energy and the laws of interaction in which to create the world around us are the core problems of contemporary physics, in It is of particular importance to build the theory of Grand Unification Theory (GUT), with so far the fundamental interactions are gravitational interactions, electromagnetic interactions, weak interactions and strong interactions. .

He argued that the Grand Unity models based on Quantum Theory and Relativity led to a profound insight into the nature of space-time, the nature of interaction forms and mutual energy forms. application. In particular, there have been ideas about the existence of forms of super interaction with corresponding super energy associated with mysterious supernatural phenomena that the normal human senses as well as modern science and technology. are not qualified enough to detect. The outstanding achievements of modern science and technology originate from the advent of Quantum Theory and Relativity, the greatest achievements of twentieth century Physics. The cross-cutting axiom of Quantum Theory is the Dual Complementary Principle which states that all bodies at once manifest themselves with two seemingly contrasting natures: Waves and Particles. This principle is also completely consistent with the teachings expressed deeply in the Vajra Sutra and the Prajnaparamita Sutta.

He also reiterated the theory of Naturalism that the natural world is a closed system, implying that no external factors can influence that world. However, this is contrary to Gödel’s “Incompleteness Theorem” (1931) which proves that a closed logical system is never non-contradictory, always containing unsolvable propositions. In order to explain everything, there must be more extraneous elements – accepting beliefs, believing in something that cannot be proved. The Incompleteness Theorem proves that science can never fill its own gaps.

Heisenberg, the eminent physicist, who was the first to enlighten Quantum Theory in his Nobel Prize-winning speech, said that, “The first sipping of a cup of water by natural sciences can turn you into nothing. God, but drink more, heaven is waiting for you at the bottom of the cup “…

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Tran Duc Thinh (Deputy Head of Psychology Department) has a speech “Methods of accessing metaphysical information of people with special abilities”. Department of Psychology has spent nearly 25 years of establishment and growth. Through generations of leadership and enthusiasm, talent and foresight; with thousands of pages of documents, hundreds of video tapes – video tapes, hundreds of pictures with the multifaceted metaphysics (death).

According to him, there are a number of methods of accessing information of people with special abilities: Finding the grave through the image, looking at the “death” through the 6-fold chakra, capturing the Thai ancestor’s pulse, by spiritual intuition and the help of the “superior” of the martyrs, communication – contact with the spirits thanks to the help of “superior”, pressure of death, “karma” for treatment. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. He said that, evidence on a large scale, persistently following, taking notes, systematically researching the special abilities of human beings – Through many topics of the subject published – as well as conclusions in minutes of the Scientific Conference “Assumption – interpretation of Vong manifestations” of scientists in the speeches (gathered in “Entering the invisible world”). It can be affirmed that: “Vong’s existence is not a matter of controversy” – the issue of spiritism – psychic psychic is real …

There are many high-quality presentations by authors such as: researcher by Vo Lam Thanh, researcher Vo Xuan Tong, Dr. Nguyen Manh Hai, Dr. Nguyen Dang Quang, Dr. Mai Thanh Hai, Dr. Nguyen Hoang Diep … All We also offer points of view of a mysterious and scientifically unprovable world that is metaphysics.