ILO report millions Domestic servants are exploited
Status: 15.06.2021 6:05 p.m.
Working conditions for domestic workers have continued to deteriorate during the corona pandemic, according to a report by the International Labor Organization. Women are most affected. Ten years after a UN Protection Convention was passed, millions of domestic workers are still suffering from exploitation and poor working conditions. The Corona crisis has made the precarious social situation of children, women and men even worse, said the International Labor Organization (ILO) in a report. Many would have lost their jobs during the global pandemic. While, according to the report, the situation for many employees visibly improved before the pandemic, the conditions are now often worse again. ILO Director General Guy Ryder therefore called for all domestic workers to receive fair contracts as well as job and social protection.
More than a third without protection
More than a third of all 76 million domestic workers had no protection whatsoever, especially in Asia and in Arab countries, according to the ILO chief. According to the information, almost 58 million of the 76 million domestic workers worldwide are women. The ILO, which is part of the United Nations, passed the Convention for the Protection of Domestic Workers in mid-June 2011. It applies to employees who cook, clean, look after children and the elderly and do other work in other households.
UN convention is ignored
According to the convention, domestic workers should receive a minimum wage, paid rest periods and holidays. They also have a right to secure jobs that do not endanger their health. The agreement also prohibits any form of harassment, abuse and violence. The employees have the right to an employment contract – if the contract is breached, they should be able to sue in court. It is also stated that domestic workers under the age of 18 enjoy special protection. However, the regulations made in the UN Convention are often ignored. Domestic workers are often employed informally and so cannot exercise their rights.
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