Home Tech Lancet – scary mobile suicide weapon

Lancet – scary mobile suicide weapon


Mobile suicide weapons are being evaluated as the most accurate, effective, and promising weapons that will revolutionize the way war is fought in volatile regions of the world.
Mobile suicide weapon ascended to the throne

Loitering munition (LM) or suicide drones (suicide / kamikaze drones) are weapons systems that hover around to find a target and attack when the target is located. . LM has the advantages of tactical and tactical features, simplicity in production and operation, increasing survivability in combat as well as the ability to destroy targets. It also allows for more selective targeting and actual strike missions can be canceled, revolutionizing the way war is waged in volatile regions of the world. Lancet is equipped with an electric motor with a propeller in the tail and optoelectronic unit in the nose; Source: topwar.ru The LM can be as simple as a drone (UAV) and can even be built from commercial drones, with weapons attached, sent on a suicide mission. in the air for a long period of time before an attack, which simplifies reconnaissance and assault. It allows to promptly attack hidden targets in a short time without having to use expensive weapons (such as rockets, self-propelled guns using smart bullets …). Low cost creates another characteristic advantage that simplifies the organization of large-scale raids aimed at overwhelming enemy air defenses. LMs are made more complex in terms of flight and control capabilities, warhead size and design, body sensors … Some LMs may return and be recalled by the operator if they are not. used in the attack and has enough fuel left. LM first appeared in the 1980s, was used as the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) against surface-to-air missiles (SAM), and was used by the military in several countries. Entering service in the 1990s. Starting in the 2000s, the LM has been developed and has a construction suitable for wearing in a backpack for additional missions, from long range attacks and fire support. power to short-range, tactical battlefield systems. Lancet – a formidable Russian mobile suicide weapon In fact, the British were the first to come to terms with the LM weapon, but today Russia, Israel and the US are leading the way. Not long ago, the Zala Aero company of Kalashnikov Group (Russia) presented the first suicide weapon “Lancet” (“Ланцет”) – an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of reconnaissance and attack. Assigned public target, capable of completely changing combat operations in the near future. The company’s new product Zala Aero was demonstrated for the first time at the Army-Technical Forum-2019. Each combination includes a control panel providing the ability to receive and process data, as well as transmit commands to the suicide weapon. The Lancet is fabricated in a longitudinal scheme with two X-shaped wing combinations used to reduce the size of the bearing plane while maintaining the required lift; at the same time, it is possible to increase the stiffness of the structure and increase the flight speed. As a rule, Israel’s most famous LM systems built according to the classic airplane scheme have one fundamental drawback: LMs maneuver well along one axis and not maneuver along the other – which reduces the effect of an attack on a moving target. The X-shaped wing map adheres to aerodynamic surfaces, which are characteristic of missiles, overcoming this weakness. Lancet is designed with the optoelectronic unit in the nose and the electric motor connected to the propeller propeller at the tail; Widely used plastic and synthetic materials. Unlike foreign models, Lancet uses two X-shaped wings combinations; Source: topwar.ru The optical device unit has a channel that transmits the signal to the operator console, does not lose video communication with the operator until it is in direct contact with the target. This UAV is also equipped with its own navigation system capable of identifying coordinates from a variety of sources and objects. Flight and targeting can be performed under the control of the operator and independently, or a combination of the two. Experts will track it from the ground through the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system or its own command-control system. The “Lancet-1” and “Lancet-3” models agreed on the body frame and internal system components, catapulted, capable of reaching speeds of 80-130 km / h. According to the manufacturer, they do not need additional operating facilities on the ground but can locate, communicate, attack targets within a radius of 40 km. When the UAV flies to an altitude of 5 km, it can turn off the main engine but continue to hover, mimicking the behavior of the birds, doing the mission for an additional 3 km at lower altitudes. After that, the UAV restarted the engine and flew again to a height of 5 km. With those unique features, the UAV’s field of view is increased to 1,000 km, far exceeding its counterparts. Lancet-1 has a takeoff weight of 5 kg, is equipped with a 1 kg fragmentation warhead, Lancet-3 weighs 12 kg, carries a 3 kg warhead, and both uses a contact detonator. In terms of power, the warheads of these two LMs are equivalent to medium-sized artillery shells. If the previous generation of Lancet – “Kub” (“Куб”) attacks the target according to specific coordinates, like most foreign UAVs, Lancet does not need any satellite positioning and the accuracy of astonishing hit. What makes this special is that in the event of a loss of contact with the control center, Lancet will switch to automatic target and attack mode. So, even with interference by the enemy, Lancet can still complete the mission. LM can be launched into the air both from the ground and from aircraft carriers at sea, and ships. Lancet chief architect Alexander Zakharov calls these UAVs “aerators” (“воздушноe минированиe”) as the world’s first system designed to defend against UAVs, capable of “drafting” in the air. medium for tens of hours and capable of shooting down UAVs moving at speeds below 300 km / h. Lancet’s design gives it many features and advantages over foreign models; Source: topwar.ru According to the Chief Architect, this “gas” system is being tested, to test the accuracy and combatability of Lancet in real combat conditions against static and dynamic targets; at the moment, it has already killed 100% of its target. According to Zvezda TV, from 2020 until now, both the Russian and Syrian troops have used Lancet to conduct dozens of high-precision attacks on terrorist groups in northeastern Syria. The main feature the designers are working on to improve on is stealth, including “acoustical stealth”, and here thanks to the use of electric motors, the Lancet is unmatched. In addition, the electric motor is more reliable, lighter, more compact, and cheaper. It is believed that laser air defense systems that can burn materials will be highly effective in the fight against drones. Zala Aero has developed new methods of protecting Lancet against such threats – integrating anti-laser protection, but without disclosing details. In the past few years, in the field of reconnaissance and attack, UAVs have made great progress, and a major and important modernization of drones of the Russian armed forces is expected. waiting to take place in the near future. Promising LM models will allow Air Force – Space forces and other structures to acquire fundamentally new capabilities and increase their potential, which will be able to close the gap with major powers. other. However, it takes time, effort and money./.