The White House, the official residence and main workplace of the President of the United States, always contains many secrets that people around the world want to discover.
The President must pay for all food and living expenses himself. Every month, the First Family will receive bills for food, dry cleaning and other personal belongings. The White House has a dental clinic in the basement. In addition, the White House also has a flower shop, a chocolate shop and a carpentry workshop.
The stains on the carpet at the White House were not cleaned in time. Jodi Kantor, a biographer of the Obama family, revealed that, when the former president moved in, there were still stains on the carpet left by George W. Bush’s cats.
Only American wine can be drunk at the White House. The only wine served in the White House is made from grapes grown in the United States.
For security reasons, the first family will not be able to open windows in the White House.
The White House can see the movie before everyone else. The movie theater at the White House will receive films sent from Hollywood, and people there will be able to enjoy the films before they are released to the public.
The White House honey is obtained from a beehive on the grounds of the mansion. The hive is home to thousands of bees and is cared for by beekeepers.
There is a mini golf course just outside the Oval Office. Former President Bill Clinton installed this golf course in 1995. Photo: Mr. Joe Biden plays golf with Barack Obama at the mini golf course at the White House.
It took only 6 hours to unpack the former President’s belongings and welcome the new President into the White House. About 100 employees will be mobilized to carry out the cleanup work.
Children in the US First Family still have to do housework. Even though they have a valet, parents like Michelle Obama still want their children to clean up their own things.
The kids can hold the ball at the White House. Susan Ford – daughter of former President Gerald Ford, hosted the first (and only so far) ball at the White House in 1975.
The first American family can cook for themselves as they have their own kitchen in the living quarters. According to Stars Insider, former First Lady Hillary Clinton loves to make breakfast for her daughter by herself. In 1814, British troops burned down the White House and only a single painting of former President George Washington was kept by former First Lady Dolley Madison.
No need to carry cash at the White House. Former Presidents George HW Bush and Reagan never carried cash.
US presidents can access the old objects of their predecessors. Every sitting president has access to an archive in the White House that holds things like precious works of art. Pictured is a painting by painters Georgia O’Keeffe and Norman Rockwell.
Presidents can decorate the Oval Office themselves. While this room may seem iconic and immutable, every president is allowed to change things. However, former Presidents Eisenhower and Carter did not change a thing in the Oval Office and Mr. Reagan only changed a carpet.
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