Home Cuisine No need to add seasoning, just put the pork in the rice...

No need to add seasoning, just put the pork in the rice cooker this way to have a very delicious dish


Skip the traditional way of boiling meat and try boiling the meat with the rice cooker in the following way will save you time and still have the right delicious food.
How to boil meat with a rice cooker


  • Rice

  • Raw pork

  • Country


To boil the meat with the rice cooker first, you wash the rice and put it in the rice cooker. Then place the washed pork, containing some sugar on the meat (for faster cooking) on ​​the rice surface. Add water, cover and press the button. However, you need to add more water than you would normally cook rice. With this cooking method, when the rice is cooked, the pork meat will also cook. Not only that, the sweeteners and nutrients from the meat will also seep into the rice grains.


Now you just need to take the meat out, slice it thinly and eat it. When processed in this way, the meat will not smell greasy, not too fat, not greasy. Not only that, but the grain of rice has a fatter and more aromatic taste. Such a wonderful combination.

Try this new way of cooking rice, boiling meat, you will feel new flavors instead of the already too familiar meal every day.

Alternatively, you can also steam the bacon in just the following way:

Step 1: The bacon is just washed, scrape off the skin, then squeeze it with salt to reduce the odor.

Step 2: Strain off the upper lean meat and separate it to make it easier to roll and taste better.

Step 3: Marinate the meat with: 1 teaspoon of soup powder + 1 teaspoon of pepper + 1 teaspoon of rice and sugar + 1 teaspoon of oil rice + 1 teaspoon of sesame oil + 1 teaspoon of white wine rice + a little water color, stir Keep in the refrigerator cooler for about 1 hour.

Step 4: Roll the meat and use the string to put it in the steamer for about 30 minutes. Check that the meat is not done by skewing it through the meat. It means that white water comes out, it means the meat is done.

Step 5: Take out a plate, slice the meat into circles and enjoy it hot!

Wish you success with the delicious pork cooking tips shared above!